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Election Is Seasonal, It Is Done On Purpose

  • Gov Polis on the Venezue­lan gangs in Co. 
  • Abor­tion on the bal­lot is all democ­rats have. Oba­ma on stage say­ing you are going to bleed out. They are con­cerned about get­ting vot­ers back. Mus­lim lead­ers endors­ing Don­ald Trump. The state and fed­er­al gov­ern­ment do have con­trol over the hos­pi­tals. Polis lying on Fox this week­end. Kamala said that reli­gious con­ces­sions shouldn’t get in the way of the fun­da­men­tal free­dom over your own body. She is anti-Chrisi­tan. 
  • Ear­ly vot­ing: Elec­tion is sea­son­al. It is done on pur­pose, the rea­son it takes mul­ti­ple days to count the votes, it is set up. It is set up to count after and vote ear­ly to manip­u­late the results to what they want. Are we time shift­ing the vote? Or is there enough votes at the end? Does the pond have more fish or have we time shift­ed the vote? 
  • The peo­ple that are going to decide the elec­tion have not vot­ed yet… repub­li­cans are out­pac­ing but the demo­c­rat vote is still on the table. Who is going to make the dif­fer­ence at the end? Are they going to tell us that dems wait­ed, and we are going to lose? 
  • Har­ris is prepar­ing if Trump declares ear­ly. They are set­ting you up, it will take days to get the results. This is done on pur­pose. Once it gets clos­er to elec­tion day, they will know what will need to be done on elec­tion night. These are behav­ioral shifts. COVID shift­ed our behav­ior. When you vote ear­ly they do see who is vot­ing, age, loca­tion, gen­der. They don’t know how you vot­ed, but they know you vot­ed. They claim that they will start manip­u­lat­ing your mind on the elec­tion. Will you accept the results? Media set­ting you up for mind manip­u­la­tion and mind hack­ing. 

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