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Reproductive Rights Is The Main Only Issue For Democrats

  • The real­i­ty is that they want you to believe that so many peo­ple have bled out on the floor and that it is also a mans’ issue. Repro­duc­tive rights is the main issue for democ­rats. There are times when this is between a woman and her physi­cians. But the num­ber of tele­health abor­tions are on the rise, 4% increase between April and August. From Jan­u­ary to March 19,700 tele­health abor­tions. The fear they are try­ing to put you in by bleed­ing out. And Tele­health is not real med­i­cine or med­ical care. 
  • Is there a secret? The secret women vote, women who are afraid to tell their hus­bands who they are vot­ing for? 
  • The Chaneys’ sup­port­ing Kamala Har­ris it is very clear that they are war­mon­gers. They are firm­ly tied to the mil­i­tary indus­tri­al com­plex and are per­fect­ly fine send­ing your kids to war. 
  • If you came to this coun­try legal­ly and did every­thing you were sup­posed to and fol­lowed the rules, Thank you and wel­come. Amer­i­cans are the own­ers of the coun­try. Restor­ing birthright cit­i­zen­ship to Amer­i­cans. 
  • Trump is going to pro­tect Amer­i­can com­pa­nies. Trump Rec­i­p­ro­cal Trade Act, a coun­try charges 100% tar­iff the US will do the same, eye for an eye. Trump is going to give tax breaks. 
  • No won­der they are so angry and say­ing it is dark. Elon tells you you’re being taxed and he can cut $2T from the gov­ern­ment bud­get. The kind of tax­es that Trump is talk­ing about will affect every­one in Amer­i­ca. Infla­tion is a form of tax­a­tion. You are being taxed. You are being taxed enough. Trump will have a Depart­ment of Gov­ern­ment Effi­cien­cy. 

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