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Keeping An Eye On World Issues During This Election

  • Lavrov holds talks with the North Korea For­eign Min­istry in Moscow… mil­i­tary. While that is hap­pen­ing Blinken meets with the South Kore­an Min­is­ter of For­eign Affairs. Keep in mind Korea has a reuni­fi­ca­tion plan for the entire island. Remem­ber you have troops in the South Asian Sea. There are 10 K N. Kore­an troops in Rus­sia. It is pos­si­ble that NK is get­ting help from Rus­sia for nuke parts.  
  • And we have Iran say­ing they plan to attack Israel and respond. Iran has released the video in Hebrew in prepa­ra­tion of a Nuclear attack. What will hap­pen after next Tues­day? 
  • Do not let some­one set us up? 
  • Waf­fle House John, the chair­man of the GA State Elec­tion Board appoint­ed by Bri­an Kemp. He was installed just in time to be the voice of rea­son. He is get­ting star pow­er. What is he set­ting him­self up for? He is giv­ing the all clear sign for the elec­tions in GA. John now has a sta­tus. You did not know this guy 100 days ago. There is anoth­er appoint­ment right after the elec­tion for him hold­ing his ground for Brad Raf­fensperg­er and Bri­an Kemp. He will be reward­ed by them. 
  • Trump goes to New Mex­i­co to ask for the vote. He went to Madi­son Square Gar­den ask­ing for the vote. The media is los­ing it. How dare he ask for their vote. Kamala is a crack­er. 

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