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Demand That An Election Official Correct Your Ballot Before You Drop It

  • Demand that an elec­tion offi­cial cor­rect your bal­lot before you drop it in the box. Don’t let them tell you, you can’t cor­rect your bal­lot. Don’t let them put some­one on a machine that has a prob­lem. There are machines that allow you to vote “Straight Tick­et”, there are rumors that if you vote straight tick­et and remove select races from the straight tick­et. 
  • A tweet went out yes­ter­day, we don’t believe any­thing about Brad Raf­fensperg­er but now we are going to believe him. Yes­ter­day a video went around about Haitains vot­ing in GA elec­tions and claim­ing to vote in 2 dif­fer­ent coun­ties.  
  • Raskin: He will not val­i­date Trump’s elec­tion. There was an attempt to ask the Supreme Court to dis­qual­i­fy Trump in CO by the Sec­re­tary of State. It is up to Con­gress to dis­qual­i­fy Trump accord­ing to the con­sti­tu­tion. 
  • Remem­ber Jan 3 a new con­gress gets sworn in. We need a repub­li­can house and a repub­li­can sen­ate but Kamala Har­ris will pre­side over con­gress. They have passed that the elec­toral col­lege only allows the VP to a pro­ce­dur­al posi­tion but it hasn’t been chal­lenged at the Supreme Court. 
  • There will not be a com­fort lev­el until after Jan 20th at noon. 

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