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Kamala Never Received A Vote. She Ascended By Being Installed

  • Kamala nev­er received a vote. She ascend­ed to her posi­tions by being installed. She has been placed into all her posi­tions. She nev­er got a vote, nev­er went through her first pri­ma­ry, nev­er earned a del­e­gate for pres­i­dent. Joe Biden was installed. They kept him in a base­ment, they cam­paigned for him. Biden made a deal for 4 years, that was the deal democ­rats went for in 2020. It was the biggest hoax in Amer­i­ca. Joe should have got­ten out long before to allow an open pri­ma­ry. The can­di­dates were all set up for the open pri­ma­ry. Then the demo­c­rat vot­ers were giv­en Kamala Har­ris. 
  • Kamala knows noth­ing about a hard day’s work. What if Kamala wins, if she comes out by Fri­day is deter­mined the win­ner. She will not wait until Jan 20th to be sworn in as pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. She will be able to do a lot of things by exec­u­tive order before Jan 20. 
  • Pre­dic­tion: no mat­ter what hap­pens even if she los­es, she will still be pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca. You have Jamie Raskin tell you that you have to get past Jan 6. There is unchecked pow­er in the exec­u­tive branch and Joe doesn’t know where he is. Kamala will be able to put things in place to pre­vent Trump from tak­ing office on Jan 20. 

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