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You Are Data They Have Identified The Data And Isolate The Message

  • Oba­ma is the one that sent us on the divid­ing line. He divid­ed us into groups. By divid­ing us into groups they knew how to manip­u­late the out­come. Obama’s cam­paign to effec­tive­ly use dig­i­tal algo­rithms inter­net data. They were the first to fig­ure out you are data. Ear­ly vot­ing was the next step in col­lect­ing the data, our pat­terns, what we do, how we act. 
  • To get rid of Trump today is to get rid of you tomor­row. Your abil­i­ty to be effec­tive in pol­i­tics tomor­row hinges on Trump today. 
  • They have iden­ti­fied the data and have been able to iso­late the mes­sage. 
  • The demo­c­rat par­ty has total­ly flipped. Most of your pro­fes­sion­als, doc­tors, lawyers are democ­rats. They are the Haves, they have ben­e­fits, mon­ey, homes. We have grown from the demo­c­rat poli­cies, the have-nots. We took big box stores, bil­lion­aires, phar­ma, med­ical, built the haves and then we cre­at­ed pheas­ants.  We cre­at­ed an entire group of peas­ants and surfs (work­ing the land) and the scoundrels.
  • Be care­ful of Dou­ble Agents, they will put out false flags on the inter­net. It will hap­pen all across the coun­try to shut down lines and machines and give you a rea­son not to vote. 
  • A Judge in Cobb coun­ty allowed vot­ers to have extra time to return absen­tee bal­lots. Cobb coun­ty was late get­ting the bal­lots mailed. The GA Supreme Court tells Cobb Coun­ty absen­tee bal­lots must be returned by elec­tion day at 7pm. Fed­er­al law allows mil­i­tary per­son­nel until Fri­day to get the bal­lot to the vot­ing precinct.    

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