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The Most Important Election in the World? Maybe!


The elec­tion is almost upon us. The Pro­gres­sive rad­i­cal Democ­rats strug­gling along with­out either a work­able plan or a use­able can­di­date to car­ry it out, are fear­ful that Don­ald Trump will indeed win this elec­tion over their cho­sen ding­bat, Kamala Har­ris. With that thought in mind, they have spent mil­lions prepar­ing the post elec­tion sce­nario to con­vince us that Don­ald Trump will be a “Hitler.” That’s non­sense of course! Trump nev­er aspired to be a Hitler or even a close imi­ta­tion of him because he is a dyed-in-the-wool Cap­i­tal­ist. If they can make him a Hitler in our eyes, it will jus­ti­fy the vio­lence they will use against us Hitler fol­low­ers because he’s bad If he’s that bad, it’s there­fore jus­ti­fi­able to attack us bad peo­ple. Despite all the media pro­pa­gan­da com­par­ing Trump to Hitler, I already know that most younger Amer­i­cans today, while hav­ing heard of Der Führer, real­ly have lit­tle or no idea who he was let alone under­stand just how close­ly iden­ti­fied to today’s Democ­rats Hitlers anti-Jew­ish agen­da has actu­al­ly become. It’s not Trump! They can’t have it both ways.

Trumps last term will be one of tur­moil pos­si­bly involv­ing the use of the mil­i­tary, or not, to sup­press the Pro­gres­sive riots that will come. Too, the con­stant wail­ing of com­plaints from Democ­rats that what­ev­er Trump does will either be dic­ta­tor like or ille­git­i­mate, whichev­er sticks, because what­ev­er laws, rules or reg­u­la­tions Trump wants to employ to return Amer­i­ca to its Con­sti­tu­tion­al roots, he will not pass them through their bureau­crat­ic process of tweak­ing by “experts.” That’s a dead end for any pres­i­den­tial ambi­tions that do not accord with the Lefts social­ist agen­da. Kamala said it, that if she won she would “Lis­ten to her experts!” That would be the Fau­ci’s types that smoth­ered Amer­i­ca with dead­ly man­dat­ed vac­ci­na­tions, use­less masks, six feet of sep­a­ra­tion whilst stand­ing in food lines and the man­dat­ed clos­ing of schools and church­es but not bars or whore hous­es. We’ve been there, done that. We’ve expe­ri­enced Trumps first four year term and we were hap­py about it and they can’t stand it. That’s why they have no shame call­ing MAGA sup­port­ers “deplorable’s and garbage.” Any com­par­i­son of Trumps fan­tas­tic eco­nom­ic, for­eign and mil­i­tary poli­cies in his four years, to Biden’s eco­nom­ic destruc­tion of our econ­o­my in his four years, quick­ly dies in the dark back ally’s of despair where their pri­ma­ry fix­a­tion is on unre­strict­ed abor­tions, CRT and DEI schemes. These are sick peo­ple indeed!

The first Biden-Har­ris’ term has been dis­as­trous for Amer­i­ca. Their sin­gu­lar, pur­suit of Oba­ma’s scheme to fun­da­men­tal­ly change Amer­i­ca by replac­ing Amer­i­c­as mid­dle-class with peas­ants from coun­tries whose cus­toms are inim­i­cal to Amer­i­ca’s Judeo-Chris­t­ian cul­ture has already brought death, rapes and sor­row to many mid­dle class Amer­i­cans. Sub­orn­ing our sov­er­eign­ty to the UN to cre­ate the New World Order, sounds trea­so­nous and prob­a­bly is, like throw­ing open our bor­ders. I remind read­ers that a few years ago, the UK got out of the Euro­pean Union (Brex­it), and Biden is try­ing to get us into anoth­er ver­sion of it, not as a pri­ma­ry part­ner but as a source of its fund­ing. Now, many indi­vid­ual Euro­pean coun­tries, like Amer­i­cans, are real­iz­ing that with the free flow of immi­gra­tion came the spread of Islam, chaos, rob­beries and mur­ders bring­ing their economies and ours, to the brink of eco­nom­ic dis­tress. We saw proof of this just recent­ly when FEMA, a divi­sion of Home­land Secu­ri­ty, had no funds for Amer­i­can dis­as­ter relief after hur­ri­canes Helene and Mil­ton rav­ished parts of the South-East. Those funds were spent to feed, house, edu­cate and med­icate, mil­lions of ille­gal invaders. It was done on pur­pose to destroy a Cap­i­tal­ist Amer­i­ca and they were caught flat foot­ed with emp­ty purs­es. Where’s the out­rage? Kamala can­not be per­mit­ted to con­tin­ue this polit­i­cal cha­rade just to cre­ate a New World Order ruled by “experts.”

Trump is a fight­er and he wants Amer­i­ca to sur­vive with its con­sti­tu­tion­al roots intact. Since 2016, pan­icked Democ­rats have con­stant­ly focused on nul­li­fy­ing Trump and his admin­is­tra­tion Sovi­et style, either crim­i­nal­ly or eco­nom­i­cal­ly. They have con­sis­tent­ly failed despite all the trash they heaped upon him includ­ing two assas­si­na­tion attempts and the polit­i­cal jail­ing of sev­er­al of his advi­sors not to men­tion what they did to Lt. Gen­er­al Fly­nn. The vot­ing extrav­a­gan­za is almost over for most juris­dic­tions and yet, attempts at vot­er frauds have already been exposed. No maybe about it. In addi­tion, they’ve added assas­si­na­tion to their game plan, a new lev­el of Amer­i­can pol­i­tics that the left­ist rad­i­cals re-opened. They are the worst exam­ples of anar­chists and Trump will doubt­less have a plan. Their mask is final­ly off and we can see who these peo­ple real­ly are at last. This is how close they are to the destruc­tion of our coun­try, just one elec­tion away. They cheat­ed before and some­how got away with it so, who’s not con­cerned that they can do it again? I have nev­er seen a more dis­lik­able-on-all-lev­els of a can­di­date than Kamala Har­ris. Is this the most impor­tant elec­tion in the world? Sure start­ing to look like it, don’t you agree?

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, get ready for ’em! (01Nov24)

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