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The Nature of Religion and Politics in The US.


Amer­i­ca from its incep­tion, cre­at­ed as it was out of Euro­peans flee­ing reli­gious, polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic injus­tice was first and fore­most a deeply Chris­t­ian Nation. Prime among them was the Catholic Church whose ear­ly emis­saries, the Span­ish Con­quis­ta­dores and Por­tuguese explor­ers pri­mar­i­ly search­ing cen­tral and south Amer­i­ca for gold, slaugh­ter­ing or con­vert­ing the native cul­tures they encoun­tered into Catholic Chris­tians, slow­ly fad­ed away in the face of encroach­ing British sea pow­er in the form of buc­ca­neers, pirates and the Roy­al Navy. In con­se­quence, while much of the trea­sures Spain loot­ed from the native Amer­i­cans dis­ap­peared under the waves or into the holds of pirate ships, much of it did make it back to the Span­ish cof­fers. Still, the Catholi­cism they intro­duced took hold in Cen­tral and South Amer­i­can states while the Protes­tant reli­gions, pri­mar­i­ly Angli­cans and Pres­by­te­ri­ans took hold in the orig­i­nal thir­teen colonies. Luther­ans, Quak­er’s and Men­non­ite’s, et. al., were too small to have left any ear­ly per­ma­nent impact and were basi­cal­ly left alone. Amer­i­ca did not suf­fer dev­as­tat­ing reli­gious wars. It was left to indi­vid­ual sects to hang, burn or drown their witch­es and heretic’s until civ­il laws put an end to it. Do not for­get the French Catholics. They retain a foothold some­what in Que­bec and East­ern Canada’s mar­itime provinces.

In Europe, the main con­tend­ing reli­gion to the Catholic Church was the Byzan­tine East­ern Ortho­dox. In their time the Ortho­dox fol­low­ers most­ly Slavs, threw out the Turk­ish Ottoman’s while the French Catholics threw out the Islam­ic Moors leav­ing Euro­peans free to slaugh­ter and abuse them­selves at leisure. It was dur­ing that long dark era of reli­gious per­se­cu­tion that Euro­pean reli­gious types fled to the Amer­i­c­as. That mode car­ried on until 1917 when the new reli­gion of Marx­ism inter­vened. In 1917, Rus­sias Bol­she­vik Rev­o­lu­tion burst upon a basi­cal­ly Ortho­dox reli­gious peas­antry trans­form­ing its Chris­t­ian soci­ety into a “col­lec­tive” that became the Union of Sovi­et Social­ist Republics until 1991. They reject­ed reli­gion, oppressed their own peo­ple but left the Church extant turn­ing in into an inter­nal spy organ for Sovi­et Dic­ta­tor, Stal­in.

Where are we going with this? Once, deeply reli­gious Euro­peans obeyed not only their coun­tries mon­archs but the dual author­i­ty of the Church of Rome as well. Marx­ism, in search of com­plete con­trol, intro­duced the prac­tice of sec­u­lar­ism and set about spread­ing the word that “reli­gion was the opi­ot of the work­ing peo­ple” and should be done away with leav­ing the hap­pi­ness of the peo­ple to the “experts” of the State. In the mean­time since WWII, France’s strict obser­vance of Catholi­cism has all but dis­ap­peared or is basi­cal­ly ignored. The Angli­can Church of Eng­land, like­wise, and even today, the Catholic Church in Ire­land has all but been reject­ed over abor­tion no less, and as hav­ing lost the author­i­ty of God, espe­cial­ly when the priest­hood, or many of them, turned out to be ded­i­cat­ed child moles­ters. That dis­ease spread to Amer­i­ca and else­where where the Catholic Church held any promi­nence, prop­er­ty and lots of cash.

We are in a seri­ous elec­tion cycle and the pas­tors of Amer­i­c­as church­es, the protes­tant sects par­tic­u­lar­ly, seem to stand in their pul­pits inert if not com­plete­ly “woke,” fear­ful of los­ing their spe­cial tax exempt sta­tus while Marx­ism, push­ing the new dog­ma of social equi­ty, attempts to replace the gospel. Sev­er­al sects have bro­ken apart over such issues as the author­i­ty of “gay” cler­gy, female priests, how to accept homo­sex­u­als or not, and trans­gen­der issues of no mean con­se­quences of liv­ing a moral life as ordained to us in the gospel. The mes­sage from the pul­pit seems to be, the less you care, the hap­pi­er you’ll be. Pas­tors are expect­ed to spread the truth., but, it’s not God’s truth but the dead­en­ing truth of Marx­ism we see in the their gospels of CRT and DEI. It is to my hap­py sur­prise how­ev­er, that sev­er­al Amer­i­can Catholic Bish­ops, real­iz­ing the trend of god­less Marx­ism and its reli­gion of sec­u­lar­ism as seri­ous­ly encroach­ing on Amer­i­c­as Judeo-Chris­t­ian stan­dards, must be stopped. Politi­cians like Nan­cy Pelosi and Joe Biden, both pro­claim­ing to be staunch Catholics, are con­sid­ered heretics and apos­tates from the church and should be excom­mu­ni­cat­ed for their sins even though the Pope in Rome (Fran­cis), a cryp­to Marx­ist, refus­es to approve it.

Me, I think they should be jailed but I hold no author­i­ty except the pen (word proces­sor). Amer­i­cans church­es, if they want to be a part of sav­ing Amer­i­ca must join the free­dom cru­sade and become active counter-rev­o­lu­tion­ar­ies, tax sta­tus or not. The strug­gle against the Marx­ist evil envelop­ing us is strong and grow­ing. Many evan­gel­i­cal chris­tians are declin­ing to par­tic­i­pate in this 2024 elec­tion, that’s how bad it has become. Unless church­es act pos­i­tive­ly to save Amer­i­ca, Chris­t­ian reli­gion will once again dis­s­a­pear into dark hid­den cel­lars of secret com­mu­nions, or open fields where the ene­my can be seen com­ing. Our coun­try has been filled with sev­er­al mil­lion ille­gal invaders, many just poor crea­tures look­ing for employ­ment but, embed­ded with­in, the sec­u­lar armies of polit­i­cal and crim­i­nal net­works, and Islam­ic Jihadists the one qua­si-reli­gious group left unmo­lest­ed by our gov­ern­ment, indeed pro­tect­ed if attacked by screams of Islama­pho­bia. That’s our cur­rent sit­u­a­tion. If Trump wins, we can expect that vio­lence from the Left will loom as a near­ly inevitable reac­tion to this 2024 elec­tion. Don­ald Trump stands as their first and only orga­nized imped­i­ment against the cor­rup­tion state that has become our fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. Trump can start the process of mak­ing Amer­i­ca great again, but the sec­u­lar evil will still lurk in the dark shad­ows of tem­po­rary defeat. They will come back if they are not destroyed first.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the only way. Now, get ’em. Get out there and vote. (29Oct24)

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