Home / Opinion / What Makes 2024’s Election So Unique? Because it Won’t Be!

What Makes 2024’s Election So Unique? Because it Won’t Be!


The end result of the 2024 elec­tion soon to be upon us, should sig­nal the end of the Demo­c­rat Par­ty, reassert an attempt to return to com­mon sense Amer­i­can­ism based upon the Con­sti­tu­tion­al rule of law, and restore con­fi­dence in our gov­ern­ment. Regard­less, Amer­i­ca will be left polit­i­cal­ly shat­tered and irrev­o­ca­bly divid­ed. The Demo­c­rat Par­ty in it’s death throes, will become vio­lent, It will lash out at it’s MAGA ene­mies, Trump, Chris­tians and mid­dle class cit­i­zens alike leav­ing the smol­der­ing ruins of a once unit­ed Amer­i­ca tak­ing decades to cool down. By then it will be too late! Chi­na, Rus­sia and Islam­ic Jihadists are pro­mot­ing all this.

The Demo­c­rat par­ty’s demise will be no loss because today’s Par­ty is a ver­sion of an old­er, sim­i­lar exer­cise in top down polit­i­cal, eco­nom­ic and social con­trol exer­cised by the Nation­al Social­ist Ger­man (Deutsch) Work­ers Par­ty (NSDAP) in the 1930’s. It died quick­ly but vio­lent­ly. Today, instead of “Work­ers” our Demo­c­rat Par­ty embraces “Vic­tims” and they can’t have vic­tims with­out hav­ing an evil force to strug­gle against so they have tar­get­ed White Chris­t­ian mid­dle-class con­ser­v­a­tives as anti-Demo­c­ra­t­ic, domes­tic ter­ror­ists and ene­mies of the State, exact­ly what they claim Trump will do if he wins. They have already sicced Fed­er­al Law Enforce­ment ele­ments against inno­cent Amer­i­cans by armed arrests in the dark of night, cen­sor­ship of con­ser­v­a­tive speech, threats of IRS inves­ti­ga­tions, enact­ing rules to legit­imize spy­ing on Amer­i­cans through social media sources and assert­ing con­trol over Amer­i­can cit­i­zens through triv­ial bureau­crat­ic rules and reg­u­la­tions that fail to meet the require­ments of law. Nation­al Social­ists (Democ­rats) tell us they are doing what they con­sid­er is best for Amer­i­cans although they weren’t asked, and are stead­fast­ly intol­er­ant of peo­ple, except the stu­pid ones, who won’t flock to their ban­ner. Nation­al Social­ists need a strong charis­mat­ic leader to exert pop­u­lar con­trol over the econ­o­my, social and mil­i­tary issues bring­ing pros­per­i­ty of cit­i­zens by his/her will alone. But alas, the Democ­rats don’t have one; But, Repub­li­cans do, so the Demo­c­rat par­ty’s bril­liant thinkers on nation­al and for­eign pol­i­cy issues bend to the loud­est noise so long as that noise does­n’t dis­turb their greater agen­da.

Hillary Clin­ton, in her failed attempt to unite vot­ers under her social­ist ban­ner, described con­ser­v­a­tive Amer­i­cans as “a bas­ket of deplorable’s” and Kamala Har­ris, even this close to the elec­tion, taunts Chris­tians say­ing they don’t belong in the Demo­c­rat Par­ty and screams to near emp­ty halls that Don­ald Trump is a Hitler “fas­cist” who will send the US Mil­i­tary against his ene­mies (them pre­sum­ably) evis­cer­at­ing the con­sti­tu­tion. He won’t because it’s uncon­sti­tu­tion­al and the Amer­i­can peo­ple won’t stand for it and, hope­ful­ly, US Sol­diers will not fire upon Amer­i­can cit­i­zens because a politi­cian say’s so. But, don’t bet on it. His­to­ry pro­vides us with excep­tions of a fail­ure to obey the law, the most seri­ous when Ohio Nation­al Guard sol­diers fired upon riot­ing stu­dents at Kent State in 1970. It was an aber­ra­tion to be sure, but it hap­pened. The les­son here is that cool­er heads did­n’t pre­vail as the Kent State protest,  pre­cip­i­tat­ed by Amer­i­c­as inva­sion of Cam­bo­dia as the Viet­nam war was grow­ing in unpop­u­lar­i­ty, split the grow­ing rift between Amer­i­cans of all polit­i­cal per­sua­sions wide open. “E Pluribus Unum” was in trou­ble and that divi­sion, exac­er­bat­ed by the Kent State inci­dent, shad­ows us today.

Democ­rats lead­er­ship is try­ing to define their mis­take of pro­mot­ing Kamala. Well, they did­n’t real­ly pro­mote her, Joe Biden did after Pelosi, Schumer and Oba­ma told him to abdi­cate or go out as a 25th amend­ment nut case. But they can’t make her look good. Every time she opens her mouth she ruins any thought of com­pe­ten­cy. Kamala is dam­aged goods rant­i­ng about abor­tion on demand (infan­ti­cide, aka: mur­der), swing­ing in sup­port of Amer­i­c­as ene­mies, rad­i­cal Islam, spend­ing bil­lions of tax­pay­er dol­lars on projects redun­dant to Amer­i­c­as needs, leaves the bor­der open to mil­lions of invaders, and most def­i­nite­ly unChris­t­ian, and expects Amer­i­cans to see and accept the val­ue in her ver­sion of ful­fill­ing the hopes and dreams only her gov­ern­ment can pro­vide. Actu­al­ly, while she does­n’t real­ize it, hav­ing only worked at McDon­alds for a short time, the only thing stand­ing between a young per­son and their hopes and dreams, apart from gov­ern­ment inter­fer­ence, is their appear­ance, their lack of tal­ent and their gen­er­al per­son­al­i­ty.

This elec­tion will not be unique in the sense we expect because, we expect what’s going to hap­pen and we must be pre­pared. When Trump wins, the Rad­i­cal Left, the Demo­c­rat Par­ty’s BLM brown shirts, AntiFa, black shirt­ed storm troop­ers, irate pro Hamas col­lege stu­dents egged on by Hamas infil­tra­tors, will attempt a coup against Trumps pres­i­den­cy export­ing vio­lence every­where they can on Amer­i­can streets. Trumps response will sat­is­fy Har­ris’s claim of his fas­cist ten­den­cies and we will be locked in an unpleas­ant­ness, per­son against per­son to a bit­ter end. This must not hap­pen but we must be pre­pared for it any­way. In the mean­time, Chi­na, Rus­sia, Iran and North Korea will be lick­ing their chops ready to move in.

By the way, as an after thought, do not dis­count the thou­sands of ille­gal infil­tra­tors, includ­ing thir­ty thou­sand or so sin­gle Chi­nese males of mil­i­tary age and oth­er nation­al­i­ties, sud­den­ly appear­ing on our streets uni­formed, orga­nized, armed and ready to put down resis­tance. That’s why we must be ready!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ready! (27Oct24)

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