What Makes 2024’s Election So Unique? Because it Won’t Be!
The end result of the 2024 election soon to be upon us, should signal the end of the Democrat Party, reassert an attempt to return to common sense Americanism based upon the Constitutional rule of law, and restore confidence in our government. Regardless, America will be left politically shattered and irrevocably divided. The Democrat Party in it’s death throes, will become violent, It will lash out at it’s MAGA enemies, Trump, Christians and middle class citizens alike leaving the smoldering ruins of a once united America taking decades to cool down. By then it will be too late! China, Russia and Islamic Jihadists are promoting all this.
The Democrat party’s demise will be no loss because today’s Party is a version of an older, similar exercise in top down political, economic and social control exercised by the National Socialist German (Deutsch) Workers Party (NSDAP) in the 1930’s. It died quickly but violently. Today, instead of “Workers” our Democrat Party embraces “Victims” and they can’t have victims without having an evil force to struggle against so they have targeted White Christian middle-class conservatives as anti-Democratic, domestic terrorists and enemies of the State, exactly what they claim Trump will do if he wins. They have already sicced Federal Law Enforcement elements against innocent Americans by armed arrests in the dark of night, censorship of conservative speech, threats of IRS investigations, enacting rules to legitimize spying on Americans through social media sources and asserting control over American citizens through trivial bureaucratic rules and regulations that fail to meet the requirements of law. National Socialists (Democrats) tell us they are doing what they consider is best for Americans although they weren’t asked, and are steadfastly intolerant of people, except the stupid ones, who won’t flock to their banner. National Socialists need a strong charismatic leader to exert popular control over the economy, social and military issues bringing prosperity of citizens by his/her will alone. But alas, the Democrats don’t have one; But, Republicans do, so the Democrat party’s brilliant thinkers on national and foreign policy issues bend to the loudest noise so long as that noise doesn’t disturb their greater agenda.
Hillary Clinton, in her failed attempt to unite voters under her socialist banner, described conservative Americans as “a basket of deplorable’s” and Kamala Harris, even this close to the election, taunts Christians saying they don’t belong in the Democrat Party and screams to near empty halls that Donald Trump is a Hitler “fascist” who will send the US Military against his enemies (them presumably) eviscerating the constitution. He won’t because it’s unconstitutional and the American people won’t stand for it and, hopefully, US Soldiers will not fire upon American citizens because a politician say’s so. But, don’t bet on it. History provides us with exceptions of a failure to obey the law, the most serious when Ohio National Guard soldiers fired upon rioting students at Kent State in 1970. It was an aberration to be sure, but it happened. The lesson here is that cooler heads didn’t prevail as the Kent State protest, precipitated by Americas invasion of Cambodia as the Vietnam war was growing in unpopularity, split the growing rift between Americans of all political persuasions wide open. “E Pluribus Unum” was in trouble and that division, exacerbated by the Kent State incident, shadows us today.
Democrats leadership is trying to define their mistake of promoting Kamala. Well, they didn’t really promote her, Joe Biden did after Pelosi, Schumer and Obama told him to abdicate or go out as a 25th amendment nut case. But they can’t make her look good. Every time she opens her mouth she ruins any thought of competency. Kamala is damaged goods ranting about abortion on demand (infanticide, aka: murder), swinging in support of Americas enemies, radical Islam, spending billions of taxpayer dollars on projects redundant to Americas needs, leaves the border open to millions of invaders, and most definitely unChristian, and expects Americans to see and accept the value in her version of fulfilling the hopes and dreams only her government can provide. Actually, while she doesn’t realize it, having only worked at McDonalds for a short time, the only thing standing between a young person and their hopes and dreams, apart from government interference, is their appearance, their lack of talent and their general personality.
This election will not be unique in the sense we expect because, we expect what’s going to happen and we must be prepared. When Trump wins, the Radical Left, the Democrat Party’s BLM brown shirts, AntiFa, black shirted storm troopers, irate pro Hamas college students egged on by Hamas infiltrators, will attempt a coup against Trumps presidency exporting violence everywhere they can on American streets. Trumps response will satisfy Harris’s claim of his fascist tendencies and we will be locked in an unpleasantness, person against person to a bitter end. This must not happen but we must be prepared for it anyway. In the meantime, China, Russia, Iran and North Korea will be licking their chops ready to move in.
By the way, as an after thought, do not discount the thousands of illegal infiltrators, including thirty thousand or so single Chinese males of military age and other nationalities, suddenly appearing on our streets uniformed, organized, armed and ready to put down resistance. That’s why we must be ready!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ready! (27Oct24)