Home / National / Is There Not Any Sexual Misconduct In The Trans World?

Is There Not Any Sexual Misconduct In The Trans World?

  • When you hear Flu­o­ride is bad, you remem­ber that your tooth­paste has flu­o­ride and you could have a flu­o­ride rinse at the den­tist. And the local water sys­tem start­ed putting flu­o­ride in your water. 
  • Sex­u­al mis­con­duct alle­ga­tions sank one Trump nom­i­nee and looms over Kennedy. Is there no sex­u­al mis­con­duct in the trans world, or do we just not read about it. They are deter­mined to take Kennedy down. 
  • Med­ical free­dom in this coun­try and return­ing our chil­dren to healthy. But they nev­er talk about peo­ple tak­ing 9 pills a day, they nev­er talk about that. When you watch lega­cy media pay atten­tion to how long they spend on the Why? Our chil­dren are suf­fer­ing from autism. 
  • Vac­cines prof­its, who ben­e­fits? Black­Rock ben­e­fits in all 3 major vac­cine man­u­fac­tur­ers. You can’t say vac­cine with­out some trou­ble. 
  • They bring up Dr. Vin Gup­ta on Trump health agency picks 
  • Dr. Janette Neshei­wat needs to be pulled imme­di­ate­ly. She sup­ports giv­ing preg­nant women the exper­i­men­tal COVID shot. Remem­ber what we did to our chil­dren. Now they want to tell you that RFK wants to roll back our vac­cines. No one is touch­ing the vac­cine autism com­par­i­son. The rea­son we are not look­ing for a cure or cause for autism is because you can’t take a pill or injec­tion to reverse it. The only way to stop autism is to actu­al­ly look at what the vac­cines have done and it rolls back big pharma’s prof­its. 
  • Mak­ing Amer­i­ca Healthy Again and focus­ing on our chil­dren will alter big phar­ma prof­its. 
  • Remem­ber their goal was for Trump to spend the rest of his life in prison. So if we want a life sen­tence for Antho­ny Fau­ci, why are we the bad guys?

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