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The World Is Preparing For War, Where Is The US Media?

  • Rus­sia fired a record num­ber of drones overnight. NATO offi­cials warn about rely­ing on Chi­na and Rus­sia. In the war sim­u­la­tions they do they have plans. They have plans for the day that Rus­sia stops send­ing oil, and just like that they no longer get the ship­ments from Chi­na and Rus­sia. NATO has sent that plan out to Euro­pean coun­tries. The mes­sage has gone all across the world. 
  • All the sex­u­al assault cas­es are not crimes because these peo­ple would be in prison if it were. 
  • All around the world they are prepar­ing for war. All across Amer­i­ca you have emer­gency plans in place. Every coun­ty has to have an emer­gency response for the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to come in and take over. Every coun­ty has to have a stand alone emer­gency response for fed­er­al take over. The only way you can apply for cer­tain grants for emer­gency funds is to allow them to take over a cer­tain response. 
  • God cre­at­ed all cre­ation. And if you know that your heart breaks for the chil­dren in ukraine. Russ­ian air attacks dam­age the pow­er grid in Ukraine’s Ternopil region. Rus­sia has anoth­er 700K troops. Do you research, Rus­sia has dec­i­mat­ed the ener­gy sec­tor in Ukraine. The Black­Rocks of the world don’t care how many kids are dead. They don’t care about the seniors that are freez­ing to death. 
  • Lind­sey Gra­ham is talk­ing about how wealthy we will be when the war is over. 
  • They are going into win­ter. It will get increas­ing­ly worse. 
  • We have mil­lions com­ing across the bor­der and are miss­ing 300+K kids. Women and kids being sex traf­ficked across the bor­der. And all the media can talk about is the sex scan­dal of Matt Gaetz. MSNBC should be sold because they are try­ing to pro­tect their prof­it source, big phar­ma. They are try­ing to make you believe they are giv­ing you the news. When right now a 2 year old cross­es the bor­der alone. 
  • To harm one of these chil­dren.

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