Let’s Go With The Playbook, Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste
- College Football
- CA is an opportunity for republicans. Let’s go with the playbook, never let a crisis go to waste. When you look at the last election, the increased voting for Donald Trump, a republican, in IL, CA, NY, NJ… and that is where John Fetterman will cash in on the dividends. The people will be cheering as ICE will be removing these criminals and cartels in their communities. The fire in CA was avoidable. In Western NC couldn’t prepare for it, they don’t get hurricanes.
- The hydrants are dry. Why is there not any water? Cause of the fires: Electric lines start many of the fires because they don’t clear the lines in the forest areas. Even Hollywood stars bash failed democrat leaders as state smolders. This could have been prevented.
- The republican governors association in MAL: Trump says on the 21st we will find out more information on drones. The drones are gathering data on our infrastructure. The drones are silent. Big tech questions from Doocy Kid to Trump. Everyone is coming. It is the respect for the republican party. Remember Brian Kemp is the chair of the republican governors association. Looking for all the videos and pictures where Brian Kemp is standing next to Trump.