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And TikTok Goes Dark, Unless Something Happens

  • Next Tues­day Tik­Tok goes dark, unless some­thing hap­pens. They want to lead you to believe that all this infor­ma­tion that is being shared on Tik­Tok has to go dark. We have peo­ple that Chi­na is float­ing drones out there, we will find out soon once Trump is in office. We have Chi­nese bal­loons that float all across the coun­try. We have the Chi­nese hack­ing our Trea­sury and tele­com com­mu­ni­ca­tions but Tik­Tok we have to shut down by law. 
  • Now Mark Zucker­berg is one of the good guys? Insta­gram has a video pro­gram sim­i­lar to Tik­Tok. 
  • Christo­pher Wray says that Chi­nese have infil­trat­ed all our sys­tems, but he couldn’t go as far as say­ing they are into our elec­tion sys­tem. The Chi­nese have a time-release bomb inside our infra­struc­ture sys­tems, but we don’t even talk about elec­tions. Our elec­tions are now con­sid­ered infra­struc­ture. They can­not say elec­tions, but AI is about to take over our elec­tions com­plete­ly. 
  • Now Steve Ban­non explodes on evil racist Elon Musk and pledges to take him down before Trump’s inau­gu­ra­tion day. Musk will not have a blue pass to the White House, says Ban­non. 

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