In Five Years, Looking At The Amazing Rebuilding LA 2.0, The World Class City
- Did not see the efforts for the red hat district for the victims of Hurricane Helene. The media all out in force with their yellow jackets covering the fires. The mayor of LA said “we have got to stay focused”. When you want to use eminent domain and don’t want to get caught up in the red take of permits and don’t want to go through the expense of dozers and the environmental regulations. Even when you do a controlled burn there are so many steps you have to take. But when you have a fire, there you go you did all you could. You eliminate the environmental red tape, the permits, going door to door… you cut out a lot of red tape by just burning it down. Now you can put all the problems on the board, and cut the permits and rebuild LA and look at the bright side.
- The Olympics, super bowl and the world cup are coming to LA. We can go in and do what they need to do to rebuild. LA 2.0
- Now they have to manipulate you, they have to talk about DEI, global warming and the water. Gavin Newsom said that it is a great time to reimagine LA2.0 and he wants to cut all the red tape. Now you get everyone worked up, all the conspiracy theories start to fly. And you have the Hollywood stars worked up. They want to convince people that it was a natural disaster. It is the worst natural disaster. Do we have a bill coming up that they want to get passed? How much funding in this bill is coming up for this natural disaster. New era, how climate change is supercharging disasters. No where do they discuss China and how much coal they burn. Everything is on how bad you are and you are causing this. Could we be sitting here in five years and looking at the amazing rebuilding of LA 2.0 to the world class city.