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In Five Years, Looking At The Amazing Rebuilding LA 2.0, The World Class City

  • Did not see the efforts for the red hat dis­trict for the vic­tims of Hur­ri­cane Helene. The media all out in force with their yel­low jack­ets cov­er­ing the fires. The may­or of LA said “we have got to stay focused”. When you want to use emi­nent domain and don’t want to get caught up in the red take of per­mits and don’t want to go through the expense of doz­ers and the envi­ron­men­tal reg­u­la­tions. Even when you do a con­trolled burn there are so many steps you have to take. But when you have a fire, there you go you did all you could. You elim­i­nate the envi­ron­men­tal red tape, the per­mits, going door to door… you cut out a lot of red tape by just burn­ing it down. Now you can put all the prob­lems on the board, and cut the per­mits and rebuild LA and look at the bright side. 
  • The Olympics, super bowl and the world cup are com­ing to LA. We can go in and do what they need to do to rebuild. LA 2.0
  • Now they have to manip­u­late you, they have to talk about DEI, glob­al warm­ing and the water. Gavin New­som said that it is a great time to reimag­ine LA2.0 and he wants to cut all the red tape. Now you get every­one worked up, all the con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries start to fly. And you have the Hol­ly­wood stars worked up. They want to con­vince peo­ple that it was a nat­ur­al dis­as­ter. It is the worst nat­ur­al dis­as­ter. Do we have a bill com­ing up that they want to get passed? How much fund­ing in this bill is com­ing up for this nat­ur­al dis­as­ter.  New era, how cli­mate change is super­charg­ing dis­as­ters. No where do they dis­cuss Chi­na and how much coal they burn. Every­thing is on how bad you are and you are caus­ing this. Could we be sit­ting here in five years and look­ing at the amaz­ing rebuild­ing of LA 2.0 to the world class city. 

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