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Apocalypse, A Democrat Requiem of Failure

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

The rapid col­lapse of the Demo­c­rat par­ty upon their 05 Nov. 2024 elec­tion dis­as­ter not only crushed the par­ty of nation­al dis­uni­ty but also erased any illu­sion that they were even remote­ly capa­ble of lead­ing this great nation into pros­per­i­ty. That’s not their agen­da! In the wake of their sink­ing schemes, swirls the flot­sam and jet­sam of fail­ure. Their fail­ure to safe­guard and pro­tect Amer­i­cans in the wake of destruc­tive hur­ri­cane and fires that have destroy vast area of Amer­i­can land­scapes, their fail­ure to pro­tect Don­ald Trump from assas­sion attempts, the fail­ure to stop ter­ror­ists on Amer­i­can streets, was a pur­pose­ful fail­ure of respon­si­bil­i­ty to do what’s right by the Con­sti­tu­tion and the rule of law to emplant a Social­ist agen­da!

Dev­as­ta­tion by nat­ur­al caus­es like storm and fire, can­not always be blamed on God. But what we have wit­nessed is the pur­pos­ful fail­ure of prepa­ra­tion. Why? Because tax­pay­er funds appro­pri­at­ed by Con­gress for the pur­pose, was recon­fig­ured by bureau­crats to finan­cial­ly sup­port ille­gal invaders, includ­ing vicious crim­i­nals, sup­port DEI and oth­er “woke” pro­grams of affir­ma­tive action, all uncon­sti­tu­tion­al while drain­ing the tax­pay­ers cof­fers. DEI schemes are a spe­cif­ic Pro­gres­sive plans to low­er the stan­dards of all fed­er­al, state and local gov­ern­ments, includ­ing the FBI as we saw in the New Orleans ter­ror­ist attack and in the LAFD chief’s response to their fail­ures to pro­vide need­ed fire fight­ing. Did I fail to include the leader of the LA Water Depart­ment who drained all the fire hydrants in Pacif­ic Pal­isades? She’s one! These peo­ple need to be tried and pun­ished!

There is no bet­ter argu­ment to illus­trate the total fail­ure of incom­pe­tence than to under­stand the absence of lead­er­ship demon­strat­ed by fed­er­al agen­cies to the hur­ri­cane dis­as­ter in west­ern North Car­oli­na and the mas­sive fires cur­rent­ly rav­aging the City and Coun­ty of Los Ange­les, Cal­i­for­nia. Where was Karen Bass the May­or of Los Ange­les? What was her busi­ness in Ghana, Africa attend­ing some cer­e­mo­ny that the US State Dept. should have attend­ed! Why did she strike $23 mil­lion dol­lars from the LA City Fire Dep­t’s bud­get? Why did she install four LBGTQ females as var­i­ous chiefs in the LAFD? Whose idea was it to rid the depart­ment of capa­ble white fire­men of mer­it and qual­i­ty, and replace them with use­less crea­tures who can only find employ­ment under affir­ma­tive action schemes of DEI? Com­pe­tence is a miss­ing ingre­di­ent in DEI employ­ment schemes. Karen Bass, an unre­pen­tant Com­mu­nist did it. Pro­gres­sivism is her mantra. She’s vis­it­ed Com­mu­nist Cuba in the past and what she did before head­ing for Ghana was shock­ing. She declared, in advance, a state of emer­gency! Say what? What did she know and when did she know it? That tells me there’s some­thing else going on here of seri­ous import to all Amer­i­cans. Are we see­ing anoth­er move by the UN to make us accept their idea of sus­tain­able devel­op­ment.

Cal­i­for­nia has already expe­ri­enced sev­er­al major destruc­tive fires on Gov­er­nor New­son’s watch with some com­mu­ni­ties, like LA is now expe­ri­enc­ing, total­ly destroyed. Why?, Because gov­er­nor New­son, a Pro­gres­sive, denied poli­cies that would col­lect and save water in four reser­voirs, for­bade the clear­ing of scrub for­est cov­ers, and divert­ed Sier­ra Neva­da snow pack waters from farm­ing needs to safe guard smelt (fish) instead. New­son had been allo­cat­ed $8 bil­lion dol­lars to build four reser­voirs sev­er­al years ago. Not a dime has been spent yet on this water project. This is all Pro­gres­sive BS and will destroy us if not its not destroyed before it spreads any fur­ther.

Com­bined with Cal­i­for­nias oth­er fire dis­as­ters, I believe the mas­sive destruc­tive LA fires, sweep­ing away thou­sands of acres of hous­ing includ­ing sin­gle fam­i­ly dwellings, fits into the UN Agen­da 21 plan and its updat­ed ver­sion for 2028, for sus­tain­able devel­op­ment. Here are the exact open­ing words of the UN’s attempt to cre­ate their New World Order: “Agen­da 21 is a com­pre­hen­sive plan of action to be tak­en glob­al­ly, nation­al­ly and local­ly by orga­ni­za­tions of the Unit­ed Nations Sys­tem, Gov­ern­ments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the envi­ron­ment. Agen­da 21 is a com­pre­hen­sive plan of action to be tak­en glob­al­ly, nation­al­ly and local­ly by orga­ni­za­tions of the Unit­ed Nations Sys­tem, Gov­ern­ments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the envi­ron­ment.”


Instead, for the past four mis­er­able years abet­ted by the media, the cor­rupt Demo­c­rat par­ty, deeply infil­trat­ed by rad­i­cal Marx­ists give us a steady, dead­en­ing cacoph­o­ny of lies, mis­di­rec­tion and schemes to advance their dream of a new world order and their recre­ation­al activ­i­ties of per­ver­sion and of course, edu­cat­ing our chil­dren.

Democ­rats, try­ing to defend the inde­fen­si­ble, which is the Com­mu­nist the­o­ry of Ger­man the­o­rist Karl Mark, do so because, they say, it was the right thing to do. Yet again they have failed. It did­n’t work then, it has­n’t worked any­time since and it won’t work now. But they keep try­ing, don’t they? It’s past time to erad­i­cate Pro­gres­sivism and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to do so is before us, now!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, let’s go pro­tect MAGA! (10Jan25)

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