Home / Opinion / Let’s Consider LA’s Future

Let’s Consider LA’s Future

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

The Cal­i­for­nia Dream is dead! And, Pro­gres­sivism killed it! If pub­lic safe­ty is the pre­req­ui­site to pros­per­i­ty  (NY May­or Adams) where do we find it employed in Cal­i­for­nia? We don’t! The Left will have none of it! Spend­ing tax­pay­ers mon­ey on social, feel good pro­grams that anchor peo­ple into depen­dence on the gov­ern­ment is more impor­tant. That will change!

The fires rag­ing in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia will fade in com­par­i­son to the rage grow­ing in the hearts of Blue state tax­pay­ers in LA who suf­fered a com­plete lose of their pos­ses­sions, their cap­i­tal invest­ments and in some cas­es, even fam­i­ly mem­bers. They will soon come to real­ize that for years they have been treat­ed as mere pawns, easy “me too” mon­ey sources sup­port­ing the Social­ist dreams of incom­pe­tents. Espe­cial­ly shock­ing to the elite wealthy in and out of the enter­tain­ment indus­try, those who have sup­port­ed Pro­gres­sive caus­es for years and invest­ed so much of their earn­ings in homes where just the tax base for many, is greater than the annu­al salary for most, the real­iza­tion is dawn­ing on them that their for­mer life’s under Demo­c­rat con­trol, will prob­a­bly not be com­ing back. Blue state vot­ers and Lib­er­al thinkers got a quick edu­ca­tion in eco­nom­ics, man­age­ment and pri­or­i­ties.

Eco­nom­i­cal­ly, while view­ing the thou­sands of smok­ing foun­da­tions of homes lost, and real­iz­ing the inabil­i­ty to afford even basic insur­ance cov­er­age means those peo­ple will prob­a­bly nev­er have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to re-build there again is a hard les­son. The loss of cap­i­tal invest­ment is so great that when cou­pled with the mul­ti­ple hur­ri­cane dis­as­ters expe­ri­enced in Flori­da, Geor­gia and No. Car­oli­na two months ago, the Insur­ance providers have been dealt a near death blow to their abil­i­ty to even stay in busi­ness. Cut­ting their los­es will be screamed out by the Pro­gres­sives as a Cap­i­tal­ist betray­al when in fact, the prob­lem lies in the already chok­ing schemes of unelect­ed admin­is­tra­tive con­trol freaks that Social­ism requires to stay in busi­ness. Rea­gan was right when he said “Gov­ern­ment is the prob­lem!”  Now per­haps, we under­stand.

Pro­gres­sive gov­ern­ment man­age­ment edicts that allowed shop-lifters steal­ing less that $950.00 to go unpun­ished has, in the wake of the smol­der­ing remains of burned out neigh­bor­hoods, unloosed hoards of loot­ers on motor scoot­ers to swarm into unburned neigh­bor­hoods, unpro­tect­ed by a reduced police force, to loot and steal what­ev­er they can get their hands on and get away with. What have Pro­gres­sive politi­cians said about it? “Loot­ing can­not be allowed” and “we’ll take seri­ous mea­sures to pro­tect our cit­i­zens,” and etc. How? How about Gov New­som announc­ing “Loot­ers will be shot” and then shoot a few?  Already we see the Gov­er­nor and May­or Karen Bass and their media sup­port­ers, try­ing to shift blame for the fires to the home­less. Don’t believe it! Fires can start from many sources, includ­ing tramps want­i­ng to heat up a can of beans, but watch for the pro­pa­gan­da machine to ramp up and try to pro­tect the Pro­gres­sive lega­cy of gov­ern­ment incom­pe­tents. Their com­plete fail­ures to plan ahead and pre­pare for such ‘expect­ed’ con­tin­gen­cies screams ret­ri­bu­tion and pun­ish­ment. The Left should be on the ropes!

Also, because of the beau­ti­ful South­ern Cal­i­for­nia weath­er LA can expect an incur­sion of squat­ters. So. Cal’s cli­mate has drawn not only those who could affords Mal­ibu and Pacif­ic Pal­isades prop­er­ty, but thou­sand of peo­ple, apart for the mere home­less, who live rent free by choice, in tents and RV so they can pur­sue their love of surf­ing. When the fires start­ed, they sim­ply drove away. When the emer­gency abates, they will become prop­er­ty squat­ters along the Mal­ibu and oth­er destroyed beach prop­er­ties nev­er to be removed again and the LA basin will become a giant refugee camp, the surfer class claim­ing the best loca­tions. Also,what do you want to bet that Cal­i­for­nia can kiss their Olympics good-by in four years.

Pri­or­i­ties for a nor­mal work­ing gov­ern­ment must include fire and police pro­tec­tion. Fill­ing ranks with incom­pe­tent DEI selec­tions because of race, col­or and gen­der, is a crime against the tax pay­ers. Not pro­vid­ing water sources for fire fight­ing when it can be done, is a fail­ure of seri­ous man­age­ment and switch­ing allo­cat­ed tax pay­er mon­ey for LA fire depart­ments gay cho­rus, is crim­i­nal beyond mea­sure. Pub­lic safe­ty ser­vices, like the mil­i­tary, should not be places for social exper­i­men­ta­tion and yet it had pri­or­i­ty. There is a rage grow­ing and a real rev­o­lu­tion in the wind brew­ing. I hope these clue­less crea­tures are soon dis­pelled with. I hope the city of Los Ange­les finds a ne Moto. I rec­om­mend: “finis ter­mi­nus acqi­tas.”

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, roll your sleeves up and go get ’em. We’ve got a lot of chang­ing to do and it could be messy!


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