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Is Christpher Wray Setting Up The Chinese Narrative?

  • Is Christ­pher Wray set­ting up the Chi­nese nar­ra­tive? 
  • Democ­rats are going to do every­thing they can to get in the way of the vot­ers and the man­date. Today was sup­posed to be the con­fir­ma­tion of Doug Collins, Pete Hegseth, and Doug Bur­gum. All the talk was about the take out of Pete Hegseth. And Doug Collins con­fir­ma­tion hear­ing was post­poned until Jan 21, claim­ing that his FBI back­ground check is not com­plete. Doug Collins is a for­mer con­gress­man, active mil­i­tary nation­al guard, has done sev­er­al tours, and a mil­i­tary chap­lain. They have all the back­ground they want. They want the dra­ma first. Sen­ate braces for train wreck as hear­ings kick off for Trump Cab­i­net picks. Pete Hegseth, Pam Bon­di, Mar­co Rubio. The net­works are all get­ting ready for the con­fir­ma­tion hear­ings start­ing at noon. 
  • This time next week we will wake up know­ing that there is a pres­i­dent in the oval office, some­one in charge. 
  • Is LA 2.0 urban renew­al so they can pre­pare for the super bowl, world cup and olympics? Yes!
  • What is next for Tik­Tok? There is a talk about Tik­Tok. Elon Musk could acquire US oper­a­tions of Tik­Tok under a new deal pro­posed by Chi­nese offi­cials. It is laugh­able that they are want­i­ng to stop Tik­Tok so the Chi­nese can’t cap­ture our data any more. What about bal­loons, drones, your tv, phone, com­put­er, tele­com, trea­sury. Chi­na is going to take over because of watch­ing a guy slid­ing down the hill and crash­ing into a tree on Tik­Tok. Huh, Elon? 
  • They want to tie up mon­ey to rebuild LA, at the same time CA vot­ed to up the mon­ey to fight the US gov­ern­ment. CA needs to clear things up and get their act in order and find out where their tax­pay­er mon­ey has gone before the US gov­ern­ment sends them any more mon­ey. 
  • This time next week Pete Hegseth will clear out the cra­zies in the mil­i­tary. 
  • What hap­pens with the great MAGA divide? Ban­non has gone scorched earth, Lau­ra Loomer has gone scorched earth all on Elon Musk. 
  • Next Tues­day, it is a prayer that Jake Sul­li­van would no longer have a job ever in the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. The Amer­i­can peo­ple are ok and would like to see some of these crim­i­nals go to prison.

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