How Do You Know A Bill Will Get Traction?
- Yesterday was the first day of the 40 day legislative session. Governor Kemp did give a press conference. But you will see the family day as the lawmakers get sworn in. There was a whole lot of nothing happening yesterday.
- We have yet to solve the crime of the 2020 election in Georgia. The people know what happened but our lawmakers have taken little interest in solving the crime, correcting the system to prevent it happening again. Now that the 2024 election is behind us and Trump won there is no appetite for correcting the election system. The 2020 election cannot become a cold case file.
- There was a Georgians for Truth rally yesterday at the capitol. The only thing that the AJC was concerned with was the transgenders.
- There will be democrats that will rush to put in bills that won’t go anywhere. They all run to put bills in the hopper and it will be up to the people to keep up with legislation that will move. How do you know a bill will get traction? When you see multiple names as a sponsor or someone in leadership. A demo leader will use bills for leverage and negotiation. Immediately they begin to trade sponsorships for the bills.
- The State of the State address will be on Thursday. Next week will be Budget week so there won’t be anything scheduled.