Is The Money Really For School Security? And More Money To Hyundai?
- Together we will find the deep seeded secrets that they hid in the legislation.
- Kemp to dole out extra $50M in GA school security grants. Immediately the cheering begins. We are in favor of our students being safe and school security. Where this becomes a stunt is there are lobbyists around Atlanta that represent this school security and our products… then you send the money to the schools and they get to purchase these products. About $69,000 per school, what are we increasing in school security? Kemp intends to fund crisis counseling training for existing school staff and to allocate nearly 900K to improve the ratio of school psychologists. But wasn’t this supposed to be for school safety. The national association of school psychologists recommends one per every 500 students in georgia. Currently it is one per 2027 students. Back in September, Burns endorsed efforts to expand mental health care access, offer incentives for gun safety purchases and toughened penalties against people who make terroristic threats. Red flag laws. More recently he suggested using money from speeding cameras around school zones to fund safety measures. The security grants are outside the state’s education funding formula which Kmep has proposed to fully fund against this year. Kemp proposed an additional $10.3 million for student transportation, which is often a stressor for school systems. State funding has not held up with rising transportation costs. Remember the EV Blue Bird school buses.
- The state is barred from issuing new water withdrawal permits from the Floridan aquifer near the Hyundai plant due to a decade old legal settlement spurred by overpumping in Savannah.
- State to address Savannah’s water woes with half billion dollar investment. Kemp plans to invest $502M to build out a system that draws water from the Savannah river. Kemp has included 232.5 million in grants and 269.2 million in low or zero interest loans in his proposed 2025 midyear budget, with those dollars going to a trio of local government water authorities to build new and expanded existing facilities and infrastructure. This proposal has been years in the making to meet the demand of our growing state. The spending plan is the LIttle Budget. To be in place by 2030. Supplying surface water to the EV Hyundai plant that opens in October. Kemp gave $2.1B in incentives for Hyundai to give 8500 workers by 2031. Plus $232M in grants for their water supply. Political stunt right out of your pockets.
- Watch what happens in the Georgia elections board. We need to separate the board of elections from the secretary of state office. They are trying to take down Janice Johnston and Jenelle King. They don’t want the SEB to try any funny business… They want the gmail account information from these two members. They are unwilling to share their gmail accounts with government officials. Waffle House John, the chairman, agreed with the SOS office and he thinks the election validated the need for no more rules for our elections.
- The transgender bathroom. Why are some transgender georgias are anxious about visiting public bathrooms? In Ga lawmakers have vowed to pass legislation to stop boys in girls bathrooms and limit minors access to gender affirming care. We need legislation to address the mental derangement of these people. These people need to be taken out of the classroom. You need to ask your school system what the gender affirming policy is for the students.
- We are showing you the will of the people. 62.92% voted yes on the proposal for HB581. 64% of Gilmer said yes to the proposal, that is the will of the people. There is an option for your local government to say no. The city of east ellijay, the city of ellijay, and the county intends to opt out. The will of the people is for them not to opt out.
- Today is the Chamber of Commerce Eggs and Issues
- Days to remember: March 6 is crossover day and April 4 is Sine Die, the final day.