Home / Georgia / Is The Money Really For School Security? And More Money To Hyundai?

Is The Money Really For School Security? And More Money To Hyundai?

  • Togeth­er we will find the deep seed­ed secrets that they hid in the leg­is­la­tion. 
  • Kemp to dole out extra $50M in GA school secu­ri­ty grants. Imme­di­ate­ly the cheer­ing begins. We are in favor of our stu­dents being safe and school secu­ri­ty. Where this becomes a stunt is there are lob­by­ists around Atlanta that rep­re­sent this school secu­ri­ty and our prod­ucts… then you send the mon­ey to the schools and they get to pur­chase these prod­ucts. About $69,000 per school, what are we increas­ing in school secu­ri­ty? Kemp intends to fund cri­sis coun­sel­ing train­ing for exist­ing school staff and to allo­cate near­ly 900K to improve the ratio of school psy­chol­o­gists. But wasn’t this sup­posed to be for school safe­ty. The nation­al asso­ci­a­tion of school psy­chol­o­gists rec­om­mends one per every 500 stu­dents in geor­gia. Cur­rent­ly it is one per 2027 stu­dents. Back in Sep­tem­ber, Burns endorsed efforts to expand men­tal health care access, offer incen­tives for gun safe­ty pur­chas­es and tough­ened penal­ties against peo­ple who make ter­ror­is­tic threats. Red flag laws. More recent­ly he sug­gest­ed using mon­ey from speed­ing cam­eras around school zones to fund safe­ty mea­sures. The secu­ri­ty grants are out­side the state’s edu­ca­tion fund­ing for­mu­la which Kmep has pro­posed to ful­ly fund against this year. Kemp pro­posed an addi­tion­al $10.3 mil­lion for stu­dent trans­porta­tion, which is often a stres­sor for school sys­tems. State fund­ing has not held up with ris­ing trans­porta­tion costs. Remem­ber the EV Blue Bird school bus­es. 
  • The state is barred from issu­ing new water with­draw­al per­mits from the Flori­dan aquifer near the Hyundai plant due to a decade old legal set­tle­ment spurred by over­pump­ing in Savan­nah. 
  • State to address Savannah’s water woes with half bil­lion dol­lar invest­ment. Kemp plans to invest $502M to build out a sys­tem that draws water from the Savan­nah riv­er. Kemp has includ­ed 232.5 mil­lion in grants and 269.2 mil­lion in low or zero inter­est loans in his pro­posed 2025 midyear bud­get, with those dol­lars going to a trio of local gov­ern­ment water author­i­ties to build new and expand­ed exist­ing facil­i­ties and infra­struc­ture. This pro­pos­al has been years in the mak­ing to meet the demand of our grow­ing state. The spend­ing plan is the LIt­tle Bud­get. To be in place by 2030. Sup­ply­ing sur­face water to the EV Hyundai plant that opens in Octo­ber. Kemp gave $2.1B in incen­tives for Hyundai to give 8500 work­ers by 2031. Plus $232M in grants for their water sup­ply. Polit­i­cal stunt right out of your pock­ets. 
  • Watch what hap­pens in the Geor­gia elec­tions board. We need to sep­a­rate the board of elec­tions from the sec­re­tary of state office. They are try­ing to take down Jan­ice John­ston and Jenelle King. They don’t want the SEB to try any fun­ny busi­ness… They want the gmail account infor­ma­tion from these two mem­bers. They are unwill­ing to share their gmail accounts with gov­ern­ment offi­cials. Waf­fle House John, the chair­man, agreed with the SOS office and he thinks the elec­tion val­i­dat­ed the need for no more rules for our elec­tions. 
  • The trans­gen­der bath­room. Why are some trans­gen­der geor­gias are anx­ious about vis­it­ing pub­lic bath­rooms? In Ga law­mak­ers have vowed to pass leg­is­la­tion to stop boys in girls bath­rooms and lim­it minors access to gen­der affirm­ing care. We need leg­is­la­tion to address the men­tal derange­ment of these peo­ple. These peo­ple need to be tak­en out of the class­room. You need to ask your school sys­tem what the gen­der affirm­ing pol­i­cy is for the stu­dents. 
  • We are show­ing you the will of the peo­ple. 62.92% vot­ed yes on the pro­pos­al for HB581. 64% of Gilmer said yes to the pro­pos­al, that is the will of the peo­ple. There is an option for your local gov­ern­ment to say no. The city of east elli­jay, the city of elli­jay, and the coun­ty intends to opt out. The will of the peo­ple is for them not to opt out. 
  • Today is the Cham­ber of Com­merce Eggs and Issues
  • Days to remem­ber: March 6 is crossover day and April 4 is Sine Die, the final day.

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