Home / Georgia / Burt Jones, Colton Moore, and the Path Ahead for the GAGOP

Burt Jones, Colton Moore, and the Path Ahead for the GAGOP

Lt. Gov. Burt Jones met with Speak­er Jon Burns, to dis­cuss the events at the Capi­tol and how to pre­vent them in the future. Mean­while, Sen. Colton Moore expressed grat­i­tude for his col­leagues and praised Jones for his lead­er­ship. Moore empha­sized sen­a­tors’ con­sti­tu­tion­al respon­si­bil­i­ty to rep­re­sent their con­stituents amid ris­ing polit­i­cal ten­sions. There have been con­cerns lin­ger­ing around what is next for the GAGOP. BKP plans to address the par­ty’s future next Thurs­day via Face­book Live, high­light­ing upcom­ing con­ven­tions where new lead­er­ship and strat­e­gy will be decid­ed. Addi­tion­al­ly, Sen. Gooch urged bipar­ti­san efforts on key Geor­gia issues like school safe­ty, tax reforms, and Hur­ri­cane Helene relief for farm­ers and landown­ers.

  • Burt Jones state­ment on what hap­pened at the Capi­tol yes­ter­day. Lt. Gov Burt JOnes had a meet­ing with Speak­er Jon Burns. Why didn’t they do that yes­ter­day? 
  • We need help watch­ing for leg­is­la­tion. 
  • We have received a lot of ques­tions in regards to what we do, what is next for the par­ty.
  • Com­ments from Colton Moore from the Sen­ate floor. He gave his grat­i­tude for the Sen­a­tors that stood with him yes­ter­day and com­mend­ed Lt. Gov­er­nor Jones for the kind words. The Sen­a­tors have a con­sti­tu­tion­al duty to rep­re­sent their con­stituents at the State Capi­tol. 
  • There are under­hand­ed threats from oth­er par­ties on how they will attempt to sue the BKP. Josh McK­oon is a very angry and very spite­ful per­son and in the pock­et of Bri­an Kemp. There are some con­cerns with­in the GAGOP. Next Thurs­day BKP will do a speech on what the future holds for the GAGOP. It will be a face­book live broad­cast, then we will play it on the pro­gram. Com­ing up we have our coun­ty con­ven­tions where we select our dis­trict and state del­e­gates. Then we have a dis­trict con­ven­tion and in June we have the state con­ven­tion. In June we will pick a new chair of the GAGOP to win in 2026. WE have to stop the estab­lish­ment from tak­ing over the GAGOP.
  • Sen­a­tor Gooch takes the floor to talk about the list of issues that impact all Geor­gians, school safe­ty, state income tax reduc­tion, com­mon sense law­suit reform, and encour­ages democ­rats and repub­li­cans to come togeth­er. Look for ways for farm­ers and landown­ers who suf­fered loss­es due to Hur­ri­cane Helene.  


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