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GA Legislative Session: Citizen Action Needed to Track Key Bills

In the first week of Geor­gia’s leg­isla­tive ses­sion, over 93 bills have been sub­mit­ted, with many car­ry­ing hid­den local impacts. Cit­i­zens are urged to mon­i­tor leg­is­la­tion close­ly, as pro­vi­sions are often “slipped in” with sig­nif­i­cant con­se­quences.

The GA Hour empha­sizes pub­lic involve­ment, shar­ing updates on key bills and urg­ing vig­i­lance as pro­pos­als move from sub­mis­sion to com­mit­tee. This week­end, a list of must-watch leg­is­la­tion will high­light impact­ful and poten­tial­ly hid­den changes.

  • The GA leg­isla­tive ses­sion is end­ing its first week. Yes­ter­day we had sources on the floor of the Capi­tol, and many of you are part of dif­fer­ent cit­i­zen groups and you go to the capi­tol every­day. The GA hour wants to help you get your infor­ma­tion out. In leg­is­la­tion you have a sim­ple para­graph that will have large impli­ca­tions in your coun­ty. You hear they “slipped it in” this law. What you are not aware of, the coun­ty tax asses­sors are not run by your local com­mis­sion­ers, they are gov­erned and reg­u­lat­ed by the GA depart­ment of rev­enue. No mat­ter where you are in the state, leg­is­la­tion is being dropped right that will change every­thing. We need your help to read leg­is­la­tion, in a local office. 
  • Yes­ter­day we did a full seg­ment of the Colton Moore sit­u­a­tion lead­ing up to the arrest. 
  • This week­end we are going to start read­ing leg­is­la­tion. We will put out a list of leg­is­la­tion to watch for, the sneaky award. 
  • Already 93 bills have been sub­mit­ted in the House.
  • When a bill has been assigned to a com­mit­tee and how many spon­sors; it is going some­where. You want to pay atten­tion to His­to­ry. When it is in the Hop­per, some­one has sub­mit­ted the bill. Then you see a REad and referred, it to a com­mit­tee. They will leave bills in the hop­per that they will chop up and put in anoth­er bill. 

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