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Georgia Politics: Stunts, Reforms, and Power Dynamics

  • Doug Bur­gum has been con­firmed as Sec­re­tary of Inte­ri­or. 
  • Next week Doug Collins should be con­firmed as Sec­re­tary of Vet­er­ans Affairs. 
  • Grass­roots is so overused, mis­used in Geor­gia. You can not have a state bud­get increase $10B in just 4 years and call your­self con­ser­v­a­tive. The same thing has hap­pened with grass­roots. You can­not sup­port Josh McK­oon and say you don’t sup­port Bri­an Kemp. If you sup­port Josh McK­oon, you sup­port Bri­an Kemp. You can’t have it both ways. 
  • Kemp unveils sweep­ing legal over­haul aimed at curb­ing ris­ing insur­ance costs in Geor­gia called Tort Reform. This was a polit­i­cal stunt. They all gath­ered behind Kemp at the podi­um. Every­one got the memo to get out to the rotun­da and get your staff for the pho­to. “Show of Force” the AJC is in on it. AJC loves and sup­ports the demo­c­rat wing of the repub­li­can par­ty. You can’t beat the one-lin­ers in the AJC. Why is Kemp doing this? Don’t get fooled by a head­line. They sound good. This is the same group of peo­ple that have not grown the repub­li­can par­ty. That gave tax cred­its to Hyundai and gave mon­ey to Savan­nah to solve the water prob­lems so Hyundai can get enough water. Pulled the stunt for Riv­ian. Look this over because you are about to get the high sign. 
  • 35 states have tort reform and have placed a cap on noneco­nom­ic dam­ages. These caps raise from $250K to $2.35 mil­lion with the medi­an cap of $465.9K only 8 states have placed a cap on total eco­nom­ic dam­ages. 
  • Anoth­er polit­i­cal stunt: State sen­a­tor Bil­ly Hick­man opened his tenure as chair of the Sen­ate Edu­ca­tion and Youth com­mit­tee on Thurs­day by declar­ing two pri­or­i­ties: school safe­ty and lit­er­a­cy. But the first mea­sure the com­mit­tee vot­ed on was SB1 which would ban trans­gen­der ath­letes from com­pet­ing against women in high school and col­lege sports. Say­ing in response to the 2022 NCAA swim cham­pi­onship. The polit­i­cal stunt they play in GA. Will Wade and the 6 page no meat “par­ents rights” bill when it was pop­u­lar to say parent’s rights. We don’t want this piece of leg­is­la­tion that is not based on sports. We want a piece of leg­is­la­tion that says 2 gen­ders, not only they can’t sit next to your child in the third grade, where par­ents will not lose the child when they don’t sup­port the child, our tax­pay­er dol­lars will not go to facil­i­tate the tran­si­tion … They keep mask­ing this stuff under the guise of men­tal health. 
  • Dolezal appoint­ments to trans­porta­tion chair, appro­pri­a­tions vice chair, spe­cial com­mit­tee on inves­ti­ga­tions vice chair, appro­pri­a­tions sub­com­mit­tee trans­porta­tion chair­man, rules, assign­ments, reg­u­lat­ed indus­tries and util­i­ties, and being ex-offi­cio on these com­mit­tees finance, judi­cia­ry, edu­ca­tion and youth, reap­point­ments and redis­trict­ing… What this says is that he has a slough of lob­by­ists that sur­round it at all times. Also when you chair a com­mit­tee you get a lit­tle extra mon­ey. 
  • The SEB (State Elec­tion Board):democrats have a bill to restore the sec­re­tary of state to the chair of the SEB. Democ­rats will use bills to bar­gain with, they don’t have the major­i­ty in any cham­ber. They will float out a bill that will go nowhere to have nego­ti­at­ing pow­er and to send sig­nals. Lights are flash­ing on this bill to restore SOS as the chair of SEB. It is not going any­where but there is a sig­nal being sent. Why would democ­rats want to rein­state SOS as chair of SEB if they don’t sup­port Brad Raf­fensperg­er. Or do they have a plan to win the office in 2026. If Gabe Ster­ling becomes the nom­i­nee for repub­li­cans. Repub­li­cans will not go out and vote for him. 
  • Geor­gia has grown into the land of elec­tion integri­ty grifters. Remem­ber Don­ald Trump has said at least 3 times that elec­tions are rigged and democ­rats know how to cheat. But SOS is telling us that our elec­tion is safe, the QR code is get­ting removed and the patch­es and updates are going to the machines. Now the grass­roots cam­paigns for rules went to meet­ing after meet­ing to sub­mit these rules. Some made it through to get vot­ed on. But now they are say­ing we don’t need the rules because our elec­tions are great. We have to get the SEB sep­a­rat­ed from SOS, but it sounds like they are try­ing to scratch back the SEB to be under SOS
  • GAVREO wants to study inter­net vot­ing for GA that live over­seas and serve in the mil­i­tary. Inter­net vot­ing has been over­whelm­ing­ly reject­ed. You already have rank choice vot­ing for our mil­i­tary but now they want to study inter­net vot­ing. 
  • Mark Niesse from the AJC gets the inside info first. 
  • Key con­ven­tion dates. If you want to save MAGA in Geor­gia, you can’t lis­ten to Deb­bie Doo­ley, Kan­diss Tay­lor, Sal­ly Grubbs and oth­ers. They sup­port Josh and he sup­ports Bri­an Kemp. 
  • Bri­an Kemp sent the mes­sage out. And all the talk about the show of force. It was not for Don­ald Trump. One of the largest news con­fer­ences in recent his­to­ry. You think Bri­an Kemp doesn’t have a play to get rid of MAGA.  
  • The police offi­cer in GA speak­ing in Span­ish to the ille­gals let­ting them know that they are safe in her town because her agency will not report them needs to be removed from the force and ICE needs to go there imme­di­ate­ly. 

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