Home / National / The Battle for Truth: Gabbard, Patel, and RFK Jr. at the Forefront of the Deep State Exposure

The Battle for Truth: Gabbard, Patel, and RFK Jr. at the Forefront of the Deep State Exposure

  • Their fear is what Tul­si is about to expose through the Oba­ma, Biden admin­is­tra­tion. The Intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty lied and went after Trump. The hope is that she will get con­firmed. If she doesn’t get con­firmed, Trump will need to make a recess appoint­ment. 
  • Kash Patel, FBI direc­tor, is smooth. Right now the FBI has the low­est approval rat­ing. The J6 choir was the only way the men and women could raise mon­ey and sup­port their fam­i­lies as they were locked up. Schiff went after Kash about the song. 
  • RFK freaked Bernie Sanders out by call­ing out the dona­tions from Big Phar­ma.  
  • Rand Paul backs RFK in look­ing at the sci­ence and look­ing at the vac­cines and autism link. What is going on with our food and vac­cines? Why are our kids sick? The Amer­i­can peo­ple don’t trust the gov­ern­ment any longer. These three: Kash Patel, Robert F Kennedy, Jr, and Tul­si Gab­bard have all been exposed a lot this week. If not all are con­firmed then Trump needs to do a recess appoint­ment. 
  • The Amer­i­can peo­ple are hap­py that Trump is in office and things are get­ting exposed. And they will be hap­py that he is in office when every­thing is exposed. 

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