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Exposing Corruption, Education Failures, and Government Overreach

  • Every­thing Trump is doing is bring it to the sur­face. Don’t get con­cerned about the Mex­i­can protests. 
  • Thomas Masse has intro­duced the fol­low­ing bill to ter­mi­nate the Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion HR899. WE can’t allow Fau­ci to get away with it, USAID, Chi­na, Saman­tha Pow­ell to get away with set­ting our kids back. Edu­ca­tion Depart­ment employ­ees placed on leave for attend­ing diver­si­ty train­ing. Sev­er­al employ­ees began receiv­ing leave notices late Fri­day. 
  • The US Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion issues a state­ment on the nation’s report card. Releas­es a heart­break­ing real­i­ty for stu­dents and con­firms our worst fears. Not only did most stu­dents not recov­er from COVID learn­ing loss but those stu­dents who were the most behind and need­ed the most sup­port have fall­en even fur­ther behind despite the $190 bil­lion of fed­er­al gov­ern­ment funds. They stole the funds.  US read­ing scores have plunged fur­ther and math scores have stag­nat­ed for 8th graders. Read­ing scores on the 2024 nation­al assess­ment fell 2 points on aver­age, the drop from the his­toric low scores of 2022. Only 30% of 8th graders can read at grade lev­el. The gov­ern­ment took rights away from par­ents to make deci­sions regard­ing their children’s health. Par­ents were replaced by the state. Leg­is­la­tion all across this coun­try is get­ting imple­ment­ed to remove the par­ents rights. 
  • About 40 pros­e­cu­tors who worked on J6 cas­es were fired on Fri­day. Act­ing FBI direc­tor Bri­an Driscoll said “we are going to fol­low the law, fol­low FBI pol­i­cy and do what’s in the best inter­est of the work­force and the Amer­i­can peo­ple always. Senior FBI offi­cials force­ful­ly resist­ed Trump admin­is­tra­tion fir­ings. 
  • They took over our FBI (Chirsto­pher Wray) and our DOJ (Mer­rick Gar­land) . This was the largest inves­ti­ga­tion in US his­to­ry (j6) every region­al office was search­ing for you. If you were some­where around DC on J6 they were look­ing for you. Kash Patel is not in office yet. We have to clean out the FBI. Peo­ple don’t trust a sin­gle gov­ern­ment agency. 6000 agents worked on J6 cas­es, not look­ing for ter­ror­ists, gangs, car­tels, drugs.
  • Round them up. They have until 3 today to fill out the sur­vey. Feb 6 is throw the bums out day. 
  • How many air traf­fic con­trollers were dis­missed because they did not get the injec­tion? 
  • Joe Biden can offer to pay off the stu­dent loans. But we can’t buy out fed­er­al employ­ees. 

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