Home / Georgia / Tort Reform, Disaster Aid, and Political Tensions in Georgia

Tort Reform, Disaster Aid, and Political Tensions in Georgia

  • BKP will be broad­cast­ing live on Wednes­day from the Gold Dome. We are invit­ing dif­fer­ent law­mak­ers to sit down with us to talk about the leg­is­la­tion that is being intro­duced. We need any bills that are on the floor that you have ques­tions about for the Geor­gia House or Sen­ate. 
  • This week, Gov Bri­an Kemp wants to put tort reform for­ward. The claim is that it will bring down insur­ance costs for Geo­ri­gians. The insur­ance lob­by­ists are going after this. Bri­an Kemp may be able to raise a lot of mon­ey from insur­ance com­pa­nies. A show of force, if you are told to get out to the bal­cony or you will not get any leg­is­la­tion passed this pic­ture is what you will see. 
  • You do not push back against Bri­an Kemp. It doesn’t mat­ter who you are, you do not push back against Kemp. You can­not sup­port MAGA and Kemp at the same time. You can­not sup­port MAGA and Josh McK­oon. It is not pos­si­ble. 
  • Andrew Clyde owns a gun store in Athens. He knows the Kemp fam­i­ly very well. CLyde breaks with the GA del­e­ga­tion on Kemp’s dis­as­ter aid request. There was a let­ter sup­port­ing Kem­p’s request for dis­as­ter aid. Clyde is say­ing we need to off­set fund­ing. Every mem­ber of the GA con­gres­sion­al del­e­ga­tion backed Kemp’s request for $12B in dis­as­ter fund­ing except one, Rep Clyde. Clyde did the ulti­mate NO. Kemp says the fund­ing is need­ed urgent­ly for busi­ness­es and fam­i­lies par­tic­u­lar­ly farm­ers dev­as­tat­ed by Hur­ri­cane Helene. But Clyde sup­port­ed a state­ment say­ing that the mon­ey shouldn’t be approved unless it includ­ed pay-fors in the form of bud­get cuts else­where. 
  • Clyde can not be beat in the 9th dis­trict. Now last week the Gainesville may­or put his name in the hat to chal­lenge Andrew Clyde. The sus­pen­sion is that if you go up against Kemp you will have to spend your mon­ey to say if you go against Kemp look what it will cost you. 
  • Vot­ers got the wrong bal­lot in a dis­put­ed GA House race. In a close race for state House seat in rur­al east Geor­gia, errors that put dozens of vot­ers in the wrong dis­trict could make the dif­fer­ence. The map of the House dis­trict 128 had mul­ti­ple prob­lems accord­ing to tes­ti­mo­ny dur­ing a 3 day tri­al. In draw­ing the dis­trict lines, elec­tion offi­cials put an entire street with­in the dis­trict when only one side would have been includ­ed. In anoth­er exam­ple sev­er­al hous­es in a tri­an­gle shaped wedge were inad­ver­tent­ly added. And in anoth­er some res­i­dences were mis­placed on maps because address­es were list­ed as a road instead of a street. Judge is con­sid­er­ing an order to redo the elec­tion in McDuffie Coun­ty. Dis­trict 128. They are try­ing to get a new elec­tion. This should have an answer by Fri­day. 

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