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OPINION: How Should We Define Chaos?

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

We should nev­er attribute to mal­ice that which is ade­quate­ly explained by stu­pid­i­ty. But, in Bidens case, we make an excep­tion, its anti-Amer­i­can mal­ice all the way. Senile ol Joe is pur­pose­ful­ly trot­ted out there on the pub­lic stage for show and tell to cre­ate the very impres­sion of stu­pid­i­ty with his gaffs, mem­o­ry loss, wan­der­ing about on the stage look­ing for hands to shake and being gen­tly escort­ed away lest he should fall and injure him­self. What we are wit­ness­ing is Marx­ist mal­ice with the aim of con­di­tion­ing the pub­lic for Joes removal. We watch appalled as the poor sod aim­less­ly mean­ders about the pub­lic plat­form bab­bling on about whats going to hap­pen next while a child or East­er bun­ny escorts him off in the right direc­tion. When he does speak, he defends the absurd, tells sto­ries about his past that have been demon­stra­bly proven untrue, reduced to self-aggran­diz­ing white lies. His han­dlers, includ­ing the White House Press Spokesper­son, Karine Jean-Pierre, a French born idiot, not only defends Joe Bidens col­laps­ing gov­ern­ment as non­sense, but con­firms his lies as mis­un­der­stood truths. The asy­lum is in the hands of the inmates.

The Bor­der cri­sis is a case in point. At what point do they think we must sus­pend our dis­be­lief as we watch for our­selves videos of thou­sands of ille­gal gate crash­ers swarm­ing across the US- Mex­i­can bor­der to take advan­tage of Bidens open bor­ders pol­i­cy. I err when I say Bidens pol­i­cy, it is not; it is the New World Orders plan to reset Amer­i­ca in accor­dance to their plan to cre­ate one large com­mer­cial world with them in charge, a gigan­tic Ani­mal Farm where every­one is equal except the pigs (them) who are more equal because they are our bet­ters.

Heres how I see the chaos com­ing at us per­son­al­ly. After destroy­ing our trust in the rule of law, debased our police­men and turned loose the Lords of war (Antifa and BLM) on our streets, their con­tin­ued attack on our fam­i­ly units, alter­ing the edu­ca­tion sys­tem to indoc­tri­nate our chil­dren to hate Amer­i­ca and love trans­gen­der per­verts, we are com­ing to under­stand our sys­tem of mon­e­tary exchange is being debased by the over print­ing of mon­ey which deval­ues our spend­ing pow­er. The result is the mil­lions of Amer­i­can house­holds unable to pay off their util­i­ty and cred­it card bills. Folks who earn their liv­ing on stocks and bonds are sell­ing off faster than the mar­kets can adjust. Case in point is the recent mar­ket sell­off with the Dow-Jones tum­bling 1,200 points, arguably its worst day since June 2020. Yes, these fluc­tu­a­tions hap­pen but not with the increased fre­quen­cy we are wit­ness­ing under Joe Bidens admin­is­tra­tion. Indeed, I sus­pect the trea­sury will soon announce that all US paper and coinage mon­ey will no longer be used and that all mon­e­tary trans­ac­tions will be dig­i­tal with gov­ern­ment issued deb­it cards. You fail to fol­low direc­tions, they can cut you off with­out ever send­ing FBI agents around to your home to arrest you as a counter-rev­o­lu­tion­ary.

We are see­ing chaot­ic ris­ing food prices on our mar­ket shelves sig­nal­ing a com­ing food short­age which has all the appear­ances of turn­ing into an unprece­dent­ed glob­al food cri­sis. The Ukraine, for exam­ple, once Europe’s wheat bas­ket unable to ship their grains to the world mar­kets, suf­fer mon­e­tar­i­ly them­selves, apart from the war with Rus­sia we are financ­ing, while Europe suf­fers a grow­ing bread short­age that can only turn worse. Here, in Amer­i­ca, our own US oli­garch’s as well as the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty are buy­ing up thou­sands of acres of farm land and food pro­cess­ing com­pa­nies that will be lever­aged against the US food mar­ket sup­ply lines already threat­ened by the over­seas ship­ping cri­sis. Grant­ed, we can do with­out junk from Chi­na. They are not sell­ing us food, we are sup­ply­ing them so, Chi­na has its own prob­lems. Stu­pid­i­ty does not ade­quate­ly explain the world chaos we are enter­ing, mal­ice does. The stu­pid­i­ty comes when we con­tin­ue doing the same failed thing over and over again hop­ing well get it right the next time. Social­ism has a his­to­ry of total fail­ure after fail­ure and we will nev­er seem to get it right, except for the Pigs who want to con­trol every­thing because they know bet­ter then we do what is required to make us hap­py. Away with self-inde­pen­dence, but rely on big dad­dy to sup­ply all our needs. Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get em! (20Dec22)

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