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August 11, 2023 @ 4pm 9th Annual 11th District GOP Marksmanship Event and BBQ Adventure Outdoors, 2500 S Cobb Dr SE, Smyrna, GA 30080
YOUR Senator / YOUR Representative, After reading the Haldeman Report, which you very well know was suppressed by Dominion and then suppressed by the Biden Administration, I am appalled that.
Submitted by George McClellan The term �Crisis� is over used to the point that whenever we hear it, it goes in one ear and out the other. In 2016, Donald.
Join Brian K Pritchard on July 11, 2023 at the Pickens County Republican Party. The event will be held at 7pm at 1266 E Church St. Jasper, GA 30143 If.
Submitted by George McClellan We�re in a pickle, well, depending upon what point of view you�re coming from. First, the crazies are in charge trying to rewrite our history, trying.
Submitted by George McClellan Apparently I have been misinformed these many years. Words that I once accepted as truths don�t mean the same thing anymore, at least in public discourse..