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OPINION: The Morphing of Society Into a Political Hate State


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

Appar­ent­ly I have been mis­in­formed these many years. Words that I once accept­ed as truths don’t mean the same thing any­more, at least in pub­lic dis­course. For exam­ple, Lia Thomas, you know, the women’s world swim­ming cham­pi­on with tes­ti­cles, thinks that peo­ple like me who oppose his trans rights are “misog­y­nis­tic tran­phobes!” OMG, I don’t know how I can bear being called that when I’ve always been called a SOB. Every time I use the word “Gay” or “Retard,” some gay retard reminds me those words are hurt­ful. Oh, be still my beat­ing heart! Peo­ple like you and me are being reclas­si­fied as threats to democ­ra­cy, not because we’re out there active­ly punch­ing out trans­gen­ders, but sim­ply because we refuse to sub­scribe to their twist­ed notion of what’s nor­mal. Well, Duh!  Besides that, the word “trans­gen­der” is a com­plete lie, a twist­ed mis­nomer of the Eng­lish lan­guage. There’s only two gen­ders, male and female and occa­sion­al­ly, the her­mor­phodite. God will have his lit­tle joke, won’t he? Nothing’s going to change that, not “Woke” cler­gy, not politi­cians, not out­raged school boards, noth­ing! Trans­gen­ders should be defined for who they real­ly are: Child moles­ters. Yep, Child molesters!

Joe Biden announces to all Amer­i­cans that “White Suprema­cy” is the great­est threat to our democ­ra­cy. White suprema­cy is the rea­son we have a nation. Joe errors in believ­ing Amer­i­ca is a democ­ra­cy when it is or is sup­posed to be a Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Repub­lic. But a democ­ra­cy? I don’t think so Joe. If he wants us to believe white supremist are our biggest dan­ger, then he should focus on the real threat from that quar­ter, White Lib­er­al Supremist, aka: Pro­gres­sive-Marx­ists. It’s their Nue­vo dic­tio­nary that’s being forced down our throats and should be resist­ed with ridicule every time it sur­faces, which seems to be hourly. It’s the pro­noun non­sense flood­ing our sens­es where the indoc­tri­na­tion dan­ger lies and, to agree with that is to meek­ly accept their dog­ma as true. Where are the Repub­li­cans on this issue? No where!

We must con­stant­ly be remind­ed from where the real dan­ger to the Amer­i­can Repub­lic comes: The Demo­c­rat Social­ist par­ty, the par­ty of slav­ery that still retains a major­i­ty of Amer­i­cans of African descent in its mon­e­tary chains as a vot­er base suf­fi­cient to keep them in pow­er. The old Demo­c­rat tac­tics of the KKK, burn­ings and lynch­ings, no longer work in our tele­vised soci­ety. Jim Crow laws, long used to dis­en­fran­chise blacks no longer work either. So what’s left? Shift the blame to all White Amer­i­cans, except Demo­c­rat ones, rede­fine laws to entrap them in crimes like the Red Flag laws were cre­at­ed to do; implant spies and agent provo­ca­teur’s into protest groups to encour­age and foment vio­lence, infil­trate parental groups con­cerned with CRT and Porn indoc­tri­na­tion with infor­mants, crank up the pli­ant media to sup­port their agen­da and there we are, the des­ig­nat­ed and approved ene­mies of the state. Recent­ly, a black female asst. pro­fes­sor at Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty Dept. of Women’s Gen­der and Sex­u­al­i­ty Stud­ies (a use­less field of endeav­or by the way), one Brit­tney Coop­er, went on a ver­bal rant say­ing “black racism” is per­me­at­ing soci­ety and that “White Amer­i­cans in every encounter with blacks should view the encounter through the lens of oppres­sion.” This woman has appar­ent­ly nev­er read Fredrick Dou­glass as a grow­ing num­ber of Black Amer­i­cans are doing, slow­ly becom­ing acquaint­ed with his vision. None the less, White Amer­i­cans, in every encounter with blacks should view the encounter through the lens of “self-defense.” It is peo­ple like Prof. Brit­tney Coop­er who are out to get us. What is the rea­son Democ­rats get away with doing some­thing out­ra­geous today and deny it tomor­row with­out con­se­quence? Our Repub­li­can Par­ty RiNO’s rarely draw atten­tion to the out­ra­geous behav­ior of Democ­rats by call­ing them on it. Why?

So, while we’re busy fend­ing off Left­ists idio­cy here, they’re pulling off oth­er out­rages there. Our soci­ety is suf­fer­ing from dys­func­tion by tol­er­at­ing a pres­i­dent whose own par­ty is com­ing apart and who lacks the skills to keep it togeth­er. A recent NBC News poll showed 71% of Amer­i­cans think the coun­try is on the wrong track. We most cer­tain­ly are. We lis­ten to the words from evil preach­ing to us to be tol­er­ant. That will last until they become dom­i­nant, then their intol­er­ance will silence good forever.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (03Jun23)

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