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OPINION: Our Brave Sick New World


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

We’re in a pick­le, well, depend­ing upon what point of view you’re com­ing from. First, the cra­zies are in charge try­ing to rewrite our his­to­ry, try­ing to ele­vate sex­u­al per­ver­sion to the sta­tus of con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly pro­tect­ed rights and try­ing to ele­vate sodomites, child moles­ters, mob riot­ers and oth­er sundry per­verts into the sta­tus of saint­hood. George Floyd, the sick, deceased black drug user, felon and woman abuser, occu­pies that exalt­ed posi­tion right now, and we let him! Worse, we allowed an out­rage minor­i­ty to demand the arrest and con­vic­tion of a police offi­cer doing his job for homi­cide when the evi­dence, as clear as the evi­dence of Joe Biden’s bribery, showed he died by his own hand with an over­dose of drugs while in custody.

What’s more galling is that com­mer­cial Amer­i­ca is rac­ing to embrace the “Woke” plat­form of polit­i­cal con­for­mi­ty that will ensure their ulti­mate destruc­tion. Bud Lite, in for­eign own­er­ship, has suf­fered a crip­pling blow to their pock­et­book in lost beer sales. The Tar­get com­pa­ny is doing the same thing. Where did they go wrong? Man­age­ment fol­low­ing the new guide­lines of Equi­ty, Diver­si­ty and Inclu­sion, assumed that by hir­ing per­verts for their adver­tis­ing and sales pro­mo­tion sec­tions, they would gen­er­al­ly be greet­ed with applause and affir­ma­tion. Wrong! The LA Dodgers base­ball team has joined the grow­ing list of doomed com­mer­cial enter­pris­es because they insist on host­ing trans­gen­der morons in drag, to humil­i­ate Chris­tians through dehu­man­iz­ing nuns of the Catholic Church. I can see base­ball on TV now and choose any of hun­dreds of oth­er beers to drink oth­er than Bud Lite. So, I don’t see that going over well. As a mat­ter of fact, we are research­ing our invest­ment port­fo­lio now to remove any “Woke” com­pa­nies engaged in such non­sense. I sus­pect thou­sands of oth­ers are doing so too.

Today is 6 June, the 79th anniver­sary of “D‑Day.” I was five years old that very month and had at least one uncle in Pat­tons Army fol­low­ing the inva­sion. He sur­vived that cat­a­clysm to human­i­ty but who thought it appro­pri­ate to cre­ate June as “Gay Pride” month in cel­e­bra­tion of per­ver­sion? It’s com­mer­cial­ism at its worst with­out any thought giv­en to the 98% of Amer­i­cans who abhor that sick non­sense. Actu­al­ly, in the past, I’ve nev­er giv­en thought to how or why mem­bers of the LGBTQ+ group engage in their sex­u­al prac­tices because they did it in the pri­va­cy of their own clos­ets. That’s where it should remain. Do it but be quite about it because real­ly, the rest of us don’t care until they make an issue of it. But now they’re open­ly com­ing after our chil­dren in schools and when school boards, school admin­is­tra­tions and indi­vid­ual teach­ers embrace the Gay life style pub­licly and argue that chil­dren should have a choice, that’s when the ham­mer should drop. Also, some­body has decid­ed that using Amer­i­can Indi­an motifs as team names is now for­bit­ten! Lit­tle boys can’t play Indi­ans any more but we’re expect­ed to believe that men can be women. How stu­pid are we?

Cling­ing on to the tails of the mess the sex­u­al per­vert com­mu­ni­ty has cre­at­ed is the sup­posed out­raged of edu­cat­ed blacks demand­ing repa­ra­tions from Whites for slav­ery. I nev­er owned a slave and none of my ances­tor’s did either but they want gov­ern­ment at all lev­els to redis­trib­ute your wealth to America’s black (the dis­ease has caught hold in the UK too) because of slav­ery. I don’t know one black who was ever a slave either. In our present pick­le, they could get away with it because in our brave new world appar­ent­ly any­thing goes. Speak­ing of which, it is becom­ing clear that mon­ey can buy jus­tice in a cor­rupt government.

If you have wealth or cre­ate it and want to play in the game, greed and avarice finds you a seat at the table. If you get caught, like the Biden’s are sell­ing influ­ence to for­eign com­pa­nies (aka: bribery) or our ura­ni­um to Rus­sia like Hillary Clin­ton did, you’re prac­ti­cal­ly immune from the con­se­quences. Evi­dence of cor­po­rate and indi­vid­ual cor­rup­tion is hid­den to pro­tect the hid­den polit­i­cal agen­da that is tear­ing Amer­i­ca apart. Jus­tice is for sale in Amer­i­ca hid­den under the hubris of Nation­al Secu­ri­ty and expos­ing it is a crime pun­ish­able by death. We need Trump more than anoth­er ‘wan­na be’ con­tender crowd­ing the field.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (06Jun23)

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