Home / News/ OPINION: Leadership is still a problem for the GOP

OPINION: Leadership is still a problem for the GOP


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

This grow­ing schism in the ranks of the GOP caused by the mul­ti­ple vote attempts to elect the “Self-Cho­sen One” Kevin McCarthy to the role of House Speak­er, rep­re­sents the begin­ning of the absolute need to pull the GOP back from the cor­rup­tion that has infect­ed it by its coop­er­a­tion with the Demo­c­rat-Social­ist Par­ty and osten­si­bly, the New World Order. It’s a begin­ning and we have to start some­where! How about with the GOP leadership?

For the moment, the lead­er­ship of the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives has seem­ing­ly been resolved. Kevin McCarthy stuck out the humil­i­a­tion to the bit­ter end. I am wait­ing breath­less­ly to learn all the con­ces­sions McCarthy agreed to with the Free­dom Cau­cus mem­bers to get their votes. I hope my con­gress­man, Andrew Clyde (Ga 9) will keep us informed. It must have been bru­tal and despite the class of RiNO syn­co­pates whose careers depend on main­tain­ing the sta­tus quo pre­dict­ing calami­ty in the GOP if we fell off the wag­on, shouldn’t con­cern them­selves because the GOP has been a calami­ty for a long time. They’re weak because they are weak!

What could pos­si­bly have been the moti­vat­ing fac­tors of the twen­ty or so Free­dom Cau­cus hold­outs but that they are hon­est Amer­i­cans liv­ing up to their pledges to their con­stituents to start the dis­man­tling the GOP’s role in the uni-par­ty because real Amer­i­cans do not want to be part of the New World Order, a Social­ist Amer­i­ca or a Biden total­i­tar­i­an police state. Let the car­nage begin. It has!

It has not gone unno­ticed that a major antag­o­nist, GOP Rep. Mar­jo­ry Tay­lor Green (Ga 14), didn’t stand with the Free­dom Cau­cus against McCarthy even as she was an inte­gral part of it. In fact, MTG stood with McCarthy from the begin­ning. She is a very astute woman and looks beyond the present. Pelosi neu­tral­ized her in the House by keep­ing her off all com­mit­tees. Con­se­quent­ly, she had the free­dom to roam the halls of Con­gress mak­ing part­ner­ships with her fel­low Con­gressper­sons and hash­ing out a set of par­tic­u­lars need­ed if the GOP won the 2022 House. Shock­ing­ly, they did so by only the thinnest of mar­gins. The fail­ure that the expect­ed Red Tide turned into a rip­ple that didn’t wash across Amer­i­ca as expect­ed, was part­ly due to McCarthy and his RiNO advis­ers who refused to fund cam­paigns of can­di­dates endorse by Trump or who declined to agree to GOPs demands on how they should vote with the par­ty. That’s heresy and if left unat­tend­ed, expos­es Par­ty dis­loy­al­ty to the Constitution.

MTG, by sup­port­ing the inevitable, McCarthy’s Speak­er­ship, ensured that she would not be side­lined again this time by the GOP.  She will now doubt­less have some com­mit­tee author­i­ty to start the restora­tion of Amer­i­c­as val­ues. I’ve met MTG twice, at Mikes Elli­jay Restau­rant, when she first ran. She out­lined exact­ly what she saw was the GOPs prob­lem, weak­ness in lead­er­ship, and spelled out what she was going to do and did it! MTG very much knows what she’s doing. Notice that dur­ing the Speak­ers elec­tion con­tro­ver­sy she didn’t rise above the hori­zon line. She already had her reward promised to her. I’m still sus­pi­cious of McCarthy and how he will oper­ate as “Speak­er” but if he fools around and doesn’t keep his pledges, hope­ful­ly etched in stone, he’ll join Paul Ryan and John Boehn­er in the House his­to­ry books as a con­ser­v­a­tive los­er while Amer­i­ca slips into anar­chy. MTG will help him get there!

The aging and feck­less Mitch McConnell whose pros­per­i­ty comes most­ly from his wife’s con­nec­tion to a Com­mu­nist Chi­nese Ship­ping Com­pa­ny, is a cryp­to anti-Trumper except when it affect him direct­ly. Will he work with a ‘strings attached’ McCarthy to pull Amer­i­ca from the brink of social­ism or will he stand in the way? As the new 118th Con­gress has now been sworn in, it remains to be seen what hap­pens next. I’m all antic­i­pa­tion. For the next two years, we’ll not see any great move­ment of restora­tion of the Amer­i­can Repub­lic. Biden still has a veto pen, Schumer still runs the Sen­ate and a host of Pro­gres­sive Judges have been appoint­ed to pro­tect the social­ist par­ty line, so nothing’s going to get done except the assem­bling of evi­dence of Demo­c­ra­t­ic crimes by GOP’s House com­mit­tees. I sus­pect it is for this rea­son Jim Jor­dan didn’t want the Speak­ers job. He’s will­ing to wait two more years.

We all know what needs to be done. First, the crim­i­nal fam­i­ly that is the US pres­i­dent already exposed, needs to be destroyed. Why should a two bit incom­pe­tent, life long pro­fes­sion­al politi­cian enjoy the fruits of his crim­i­nal­i­ty unscathed just because he ascend­ed to the top dog posi­tion? His Pro­gres­sive polit­i­cal poli­cies, enforced by a cor­rupt FBI and DoJ, needs to be reversed espe­cial­ly the inva­sion across our south­ern bor­der. All those ille­gals that made it through must be round­ed up and returned to Mex­i­co, let them deal with it. We must restore our ener­gy inde­pen­dence, cease the total­i­tar­i­an gov­ern­ments attacks on reli­gious insti­tu­tions, stop the cen­sor­ship of our 1st amend­ment rights, stamp out the teach­ers unions and the per­ver­sion they are foist­ing upon our lit­tle chil­dren, stop finan­cial­ly sup­port­ing ille­gals over our vet­er­ans and stop gov­ern­ment spend­ing on coun­tries who don’t or won’t stand with the USA. We’ve spent far enough already.

As a final word on spend­ing and I’ve said it before, pre­pare for war with Mex­i­co. It’s com­ing! Per­mit­ting for­eign­ers to par­tic­i­pate in Amer­i­c­as destruc­tion by facil­i­tat­ing the inva­sions of ille­gals and dan­ger­ous drugs, is the most trea­so­nous of all US for­eign poli­cies. Only Joe would per­mit this to hap­pen. We’re in a world of hurt here and Repub­li­cans pussy-foot­ing around with Democ­rats, won’t stop the bleed­ing. We need a war­rior class in the GOP and the Free­dom Cau­cus is form­ing up as the nucle­us. Let’s help ‘em!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the only way. Now, go get ‘em! (08Jan23)

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