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OPINION: Let’s See Where The Chips Fall


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

The GOP won the House but like it or not they did, bare­ly, giv­ing con­ser­v­a­tives at least a small win­dow of oppor­tu­ni­ty to restore sen­si­bil­i­ty to the DC scene. Do you believe that? Naw, I wouldn’t bet on it! While the GOP base is con­ser­v­a­tive and loves Trump and des­per­ate­ly wants him to return to fin­ish the job he start­ed drain­ing the Swamp, the RiNO lead­er­ship doesn’t. Con­ser­v­a­tives must now wait to see how the GOPs lead­er­ships will screw it up before know­ing whether or not to get excit­ed about the 2024 cam­paign and do it before the crim­i­nal Biden makes it so impos­si­ble that we’ll for­ev­er be stuck in the tar goo of socialism.

For Con­ser­v­a­tives, if its not Trump, DeSan­tis or Pom­peo, the only option left is to let the chips fall where they may, while watch­ing Amer­i­ca turn into a gen­uine Social­ist State because we didn’t do any­thing about it. The GOP base implic­it­ly under­stands, the need for politi­cians, once assigned a neat office in the seat of gov­ern­ment to stay rel­e­vant try­ing to sur­vive and do what they promised their local con­stituents they were going to do. But it must be a damnable effort to remain aloof from the cock­tail cir­cuit crowd where the real pros­e­lyt­ing goes on try­ing to get the new­bies to become a cor­rupt­ed “part of the team!” The Jan­u­ary 6 busi­ness has shown us how far the Deep State will go to pro­tect itself from pop­u­lar dis­sent regard­less of the rule of law, the Con­sti­tu­tion or Habeas Cor­pus. They are an evil bunch that must be dealt with!

But, those politi­cians afflict­ed with the burn­ing desire to con­trol all of gov­ern­ment and inflict what they can upon its cit­i­zens, and hav­ing far exceed­ed their Con­sti­tu­tion­al lim­its, ignore those lim­its because of their addic­tion to ‘doing what’s best for the Amer­i­can peo­ple!’ That’s non­sense of course, because includ­ed with their addic­tion is the prospect of get­ting rich out of  the fed­er­al purse. It’s that that keeps them there. The pro­fes­sion­al politi­cians who have made a career off fed­er­al spend­ing and get­ting rich by it, have no inten­tion of depart­ing freely. The Chi­nese, among oth­ers, have not­ed this deep lev­el of Amer­i­can greed and have react­ed to it in  their best inter­ests by fuel­ing the greed with their tens of mil­lions of dol­lars to encour­age the avari­cious desires of cor­rupt politi­cians like the Bidens’, Clin­tons’, Obama’s, & et al..

We have only to look at poor Cal­i­for­nia to see how an incom­pe­tent crim­i­nal and Pro­gres­sive gov­ern­ment has become. Gov­er­nor New­some has absolute­ly ruined an entire thriv­ing econ­o­my and is run­ning out of tax pay­ers flee­ing to bet­ter climes. The void is being filled by ille­gals with no tax pro­duc­ing skills because Cal­i­for­ni­a’s once abun­dant resources have been squan­dered on equi­table social pro­grams with no return on val­ue. It must be nice to feel good by reliev­ing the eco­nom­ic woes of the thou­sands of home­less vet­er­ans, drug addict­ed sots and ille­gal for­eign­ers mov­ing there to enjoy the nec­tar and ambrosia that comes from Cal­i­for­nia trea­sury. But that well is almost dry. Cal­i­for­nia, once the sixth largest econ­o­my in the world, has been reduced to con­sid­er­ing sil­ly schemes to pun­ish expa­tri­ates with revenge tax­es for depart­ing regard­less of where they now live. Ret­ri­bu­tion is a poor excuse for cre­at­ing insolvency.

Gavin New­some, Cal­i­for­ni­a’s incom­pe­tent, vain­glo­ri­ous gov­er­nor, has just about fin­ished up the destruc­tion of his State’s econ­o­my and is ready to move on. Where could he pos­si­bly go? How about Wash­ing­ton DC as the Demo­c­rat can­di­date for Pres­i­dent? The Pro­gres­sives have no one capa­ble of chal­leng­ing Don­ald Trump. No one! They do have a Mulat­to black woman, VP Kamala Har­ris, who came to us dis­guised as a com­pe­tent Cal­i­for­nia attor­ney gen­er­al but is a com­plete fraud. If the Demo­c­rat Par­ty toss­es her when Joe Biden’s goes on tri­al for his crimes and they pick a Pro­gres­sive White dude like Gavin New­some or worse, Pete ‘pot­hole’ Buttigieg  to be their stan­dard bear­er, then expect all hell to break loose from the Black women of this coun­try who will feel betrayed and will express it. Michelle Obama’s nom­i­na­tion would assuage the race demons but, would that would be Barak Obama’s forth term. To those of you who are at least skep­ti­cal, just remem­ber, Democ­rats have already cor­rupt­ed the vot­ing mech­a­nisms in those states that count for Democ­rats wins. They don’t intend to lose again.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (27Jan23)

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