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Opinion: The World Economic Forum and Other Nonsense.


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

When we first learned about the World Eco­nom­ic Forum (WEF), most of us any­way, we under­stood it to be a gath­er­ing of some real­ly sil­ly rich peo­ple dis­cussing how to solve world prob­lems, not take over the world. What was alarm­ing those many years ago was the sin­gu­lar fact that while the world knew they gath­ered in Davos, Switzer­land, they con­duct­ed their dis­cus­sions in com­plete secre­cy pro­tect­ed by a lev­el of armed secu­ri­ty unlike cit­i­zens in free coun­tries com­pre­hend. They’re meet­ing their today, this month and a bit of the mys­tery pro­tect­ing the man behind the drawn cur­tain is reveal­ing itself. These are a bunch of nut­ters right out of the com­ic books who want to run the entire world. Because they’re rich and run big com­pa­nies and small coun­tries and states, and have influ­ence in the Unit­ed Nations, that gives them no right to set rules, reg­u­la­tions or make laws con­trary to those laws, rules and reg­u­la­tions already exis­tent in those enti­ties. Why is it left to them, the WEF, to decide our fate? Hitler tried and couldn’t! I don’t remem­ber ever being asked to vote for the USA to bend to the demands of the WEF.  I don’t even remem­ber being asked to con­sent for Georgia’s Gov­er­nor Kemp to attend the damn thing. Why did he? The rea­son is, we’re not told about it by the media or the appa­ra­tus of gov­ern­ment that thinks this crap up, we must just comply.

What news that is com­ing out of Davos now, is that this whole she­bang wants Amer­i­ca and oth­er “West­ern” coun­tries reduced to the com­pli­ance to their bet­ter ideas that will lead to social­ism, ie: top down gov­ern­ment con­trol over pro­duc­tion, food, ener­gy and trans­porta­tion. Their con­cepts are couched in fear­ful terms that an uncon­trolled pop­u­la­tion is ruin­ing the globe and hydro­car­bon emis­sions are cre­at­ing Cli­mate Change; pan­demics can be con­trolled if we just fol­lowed the sci­ence and, on the short end of the stick, turn our admin­is­tra­tions over to per­verts, trans­gen­ders, ugly lit­tle girls from Swe­den and Klaus Schwab. Once they have accom­plished that we’ll all be hap­py liv­ing on the gov­ern­ment dole, with­out trans­porta­tion, free­dom of move­ment, or eat­ing what we want all because some bloody politician(s) tells us it for our own good and we had bet­ter lis­ten to ’em. I don’t think so!

Cana­da has almost gone full total­i­tar­i­an under the WEF trained cretin Justin Trudeau. Here’s the plan that affects Amer­i­ca: attack the 2nd Amend­ment! One won­ders why the shoot­ings on Amer­i­can streets are increas­ing. It’s the George Soros spon­sored Dis­trict Attorney’s who are imme­di­ate­ly turn­ing crim­i­nals back out onto our streets. Unless it’s a White per­pe­tra­tor, men­tion is rarely made about the thou­sands of oth­er crimes that are by Black crim­i­nals, gangs and loot­ers. The more shoot­ings, the greater the cry for gov­ern­ment to do some­thing. That’s what Democ­rats are try­ing to do, negate the 2nd Amend­ment, seize all guns, except those retained by crim­i­nals and the gov­ern­ment, and make us help­less to resist the “Great Reset.” That’s it in a nut shell. As long as Amer­i­cans remain armed the Left­ist gov­ern­ment can­not ful­fill its com­mit­ment to the New World Order that is the WEF, the UN and China.

An inter­est­ing case of ret­ri­bu­tion just pre­sent­ed itself in Cal­i­for­nia and could set a pat­tern for the future. We have been told end­less­ly, to respect the law, call the police and let the courts han­dle vio­lence and ensure pub­lic safe­ty. The para­dox is, they aren’t and now they can’t! They are over­whelmed by the dik­tats of the Pro­gres­sive mythol­o­gists that intend to become our mas­ters. Last year a 15 year old crim­i­nal already with a record, in a motor vehi­cle, ran down a moth­er push­ing her infant in a stroller on the streets of Venice, Ca.. The cretin sped away but a good cit­i­zen see­ing the hit and run crime delib­er­ate­ly crash into the flee­ing vehi­cle and the perp was arrest­ed, tried in a Soros court of law and released after a few months of ther­a­py. This week, while that crim­i­nal strolled down the streets of Palm­dale, Ca. a car drove up and some­body pumped him full of lead and he was DRT, end of case. We remem­ber in America’s law­less old west when their was no law to stop crime? Cit­i­zens orga­nized into non offi­cial poss­es, went after the bad guys and hung ‘em!  I remind you, vig­i­lan­tism is a crime and the Left will scream “Hate Crimes” but when’s it going to stop? When we stop it and not before!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (21Jan23)

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