OPINION: Why Does Americas Future Look So Dismal
Submitted by George McClellan
The GOP and its several money grabbing appendages constantly buggers me for donations I am no longer inclined to provide. Theyve lost my trust. I only donate to conservative candidates of my choice until such time I see indicators that they have moved to the dark side like accepting an invitation to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, for example. Georgia Governor Kemp did, Fl. Gov DeSantis has also been infected by the virus of the New World Order as has Vivek Ramaswamy. Many others have done so and therefore I shant reward them with my pitiful, trifling donations.
The GOP demonstrates all the characteristics of being perpetual losers and I cant donate to losers. You shouldnt either! How could the GOP have fumbled away the 2022 mid term election’s when they held a Full House card hand in the election game? Inflation running higher than in three years and growing, a hostile invasion across our southern borders that still continues by the way, of millions of illegal aliens, terrorists, spies, and drug cartel smuggling operations while a dimwit Secretary of Homeland Security (Mayorkas) obfuscates direct congressional questions requiring only a simple yes or No answer. Deny everything, admit nothing and blame somebody else! The fumbling GOP malaise goes back to John McCain, extended to Mitt Romney with that horrible error corrected by the election of Donald Trump. It was then snatched away again by Never Trumper RiNOs in cahoots with the deep state uni-party. Thats what it is, a combined party of grifters and thieves feasting at the government trough and refusing to give up. The National GOP has an identity problem: they are too timid to take a stand and refuse to listen to the grassroots. They dont tell the grassroots folks how to get involved. They are left to struggle uninspired, at the county and precinct levels in the end losing the energy of millions of rank and file Republicans willing to hit the streets, volunteer as poll watchers and get out the vote but, all the GOP ever wants is more money.
Why should people want to vote Republican when the GOP offers no specific plan for the future? Trump told us exactly what he would do and he when he was given the chance, he did it! Not good enough for the Deep State GOP, they went out of their way to help defeat the greatest Republican President since Ronald Reagan. The GOP didnt emphasize how important that election was. They acted like they really had no concern about the outcome which, when it came, the losses were blamed on the voting base for not supporting their candidates. Not unexpectedly, the GOP put forth candidates I would never consider donating money to because they were an inadequate, preselected class of more RiNOs. The Republican professional campaigners remain locked into the old thinking of political campaigning and dont know the base anymore. They are so inept it hurts, blaming the “Congress” for doing the damage when it was the Democrats who brought new tactics to the field like ballot harvesting, fiddling with some machines, not comparing signatures and even not counting ballots from Conservative districts. Republicans were apparently too timid to take the fight where it should hurt, Democrat polling officials. The GOP as we are coming to know and loath, lack the gonads to attack. They lack both a direction and the killer instinct to throw the democrats to the floor and stomp on em! Real conservatives are out there but are kept away by the uniparty Republicans. Lessons about tenacity can be learned from Arizonas Kari Lake, a she-wolf who will one day correct Arizonas democrat election problem. Her tenacity and political skills could even see her become the first female US President, and a Latina one at that.
So, where do our biggest problems now lie. Apart from Biden emptying our treasury on a costly proxy war against Russia, spending billions on making illegal intruders feel secure north of the border, and running up our national debt by rising inflation, we are now faced with the sudden government mandated policy that transgender perversion does not pose the same domestic threat to America that Christianity poses. They are in a panic because they cant deny what happened in Nashville. The inmates are in charge of the institution!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get em! (31Mar23)