Home / News/ OPINION: Why Does Americas Future Look So Dismal

OPINION: Why Does Americas Future Look So Dismal

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

The GOP and its sev­er­al mon­ey grab­bing appendages con­stant­ly bug­gers me for dona­tions I am no longer inclined to pro­vide. Theyve lost my trust. I only donate to con­ser­v­a­tive can­di­dates of my choice until such time I see indi­ca­tors that they have moved to the dark side like accept­ing an invi­ta­tion to attend the World Eco­nom­ic Forum in Davos, Switzer­land, for exam­ple. Geor­gia Gov­er­nor Kemp did, Fl. Gov DeSan­tis has also been infect­ed by the virus of the New World Order as has Vivek Ramaswamy. Many oth­ers have done so and there­fore I shant reward them with my piti­ful, tri­fling dona­tions.

The GOP demon­strates all the char­ac­ter­is­tics of being per­pet­u­al losers and I cant donate to losers. You should­nt either! How could the GOP have fum­bled away the 2022 mid term elec­tion’s when they held a Full House card hand in the elec­tion game? Infla­tion run­ning high­er than in three years and grow­ing, a hos­tile inva­sion across our south­ern bor­ders that still con­tin­ues by the way, of mil­lions of ille­gal aliens, ter­ror­ists, spies, and drug car­tel smug­gling oper­a­tions while a dimwit Sec­re­tary of Home­land Secu­ri­ty (May­orkas) obfus­cates direct con­gres­sion­al ques­tions requir­ing only a sim­ple yes or No answer. Deny every­thing, admit noth­ing and blame some­body else! The fum­bling GOP malaise goes back to John McCain, extend­ed to Mitt Rom­ney with that hor­ri­ble error cor­rect­ed by the elec­tion of Don­ald Trump. It was then snatched away again by Nev­er Trumper RiNOs in cahoots with the deep state uni-par­ty. Thats what it is, a com­bined par­ty of grifters and thieves feast­ing at the gov­ern­ment trough and refus­ing to give up. The Nation­al GOP has an iden­ti­ty prob­lem: they are too timid to take a stand and refuse to lis­ten to the grass­roots. They dont tell the grass­roots folks how to get involved. They are left to strug­gle unin­spired, at the coun­ty and precinct lev­els in the end los­ing the ener­gy of mil­lions of rank and file Repub­li­cans will­ing to hit the streets, vol­un­teer as poll watch­ers and get out the vote but, all the GOP ever wants is more mon­ey.

Why should peo­ple want to vote Repub­li­can when the GOP offers no spe­cif­ic plan for the future? Trump told us exact­ly what he would do and he when he was giv­en the chance, he did it! Not good enough for the Deep State GOP, they went out of their way to help defeat the great­est Repub­li­can Pres­i­dent since Ronald Rea­gan. The GOP did­nt empha­size how impor­tant that elec­tion was. They act­ed like they real­ly had no con­cern about the out­come which, when it came, the loss­es were blamed on the vot­ing base for not sup­port­ing their can­di­dates. Not unex­pect­ed­ly, the GOP put forth can­di­dates I would nev­er con­sid­er donat­ing mon­ey to because they were an inad­e­quate, pre­s­e­lect­ed class of more RiNOs. The Repub­li­can pro­fes­sion­al cam­paign­ers remain locked into the old think­ing of polit­i­cal cam­paign­ing and dont know the base any­more. They are so inept it hurts, blam­ing the “Con­gress” for doing the dam­age when it was the Democ­rats who brought new tac­tics to the field like bal­lot har­vest­ing, fid­dling with some machines, not com­par­ing sig­na­tures and even not count­ing bal­lots from Con­ser­v­a­tive dis­tricts. Repub­li­cans were appar­ent­ly too timid to take the fight where it should hurt, Demo­c­rat polling offi­cials. The GOP as we are com­ing to know and loath, lack the gonads to attack. They lack both a direc­tion and the killer instinct to throw the democ­rats to the floor and stomp on em! Real con­ser­v­a­tives are out there but are kept away by the uni­par­ty Repub­li­cans. Lessons about tenac­i­ty can be learned from Ari­zonas Kari Lake, a she-wolf who will one day cor­rect Ari­zonas demo­c­rat elec­tion prob­lem. Her tenac­i­ty and polit­i­cal skills could even see her become the first female US Pres­i­dent, and a Lati­na one at that.

So, where do our biggest prob­lems now lie. Apart from Biden emp­ty­ing our trea­sury on a cost­ly proxy war against Rus­sia, spend­ing bil­lions on mak­ing ille­gal intrud­ers feel secure north of the bor­der, and run­ning up our nation­al debt by ris­ing infla­tion, we are now faced with the sud­den gov­ern­ment man­dat­ed pol­i­cy that trans­gen­der per­ver­sion does not pose the same domes­tic threat to Amer­i­ca that Chris­tian­i­ty pos­es. They are in a pan­ic because they cant deny what hap­pened in Nashville. The inmates are in charge of the insti­tu­tion!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get em! (31Mar23)

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