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Soft Terrorism and Fear, the Real Dangers


ELLIJAY, Ga — by George McClel­lan — The Democ­rats assault on the sec­ond amend­ment is premised on their fear that Amer­i­cans may actu­al­ly one day take up arms and seize the gov­ern­ment away from the usurpers as Thomas Jef­fer­son sug­gest­ed should occur every twen­ty years or so. That’s why the 06 Jan­u­ary protest was wicked­ly turned into an insur­rec­tion by Nan­cy Pelosi so Con­ser­v­a­tives could be ter­ror­ized into sub­mis­sion out of fear, all to keep Don­ald Trumps out of the White House.

But, we miss the real dan­ger if we dis­re­gard Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Rad­i­cals, a “how to” scheme that Democ­rats have employed ever since he pub­lished them. We see its results every day. Hillary Clin­ton wrote her col­lege the­sis on Alinsky’s prin­ci­ples and agreed when he told Social­ists how to take down gov­ern­ment from with­in with­out weapons, and dimin­ish the 2A to a dan­ger­ous rel­ic that gives out­raged Amer­i­cans the excuse to wield guns against gov­ern­ment. The Clin­ton Foun­da­tion, awash as it was in for­eign bribe mon­ey, wield­ed a lot of influ­ence with­in the cabal that wants a New World Order, by mov­ing the Demo­c­rat Par­ty and the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to the ‘WOKE’ polit­i­cal Left. We’re almost there now.

Democ­rats, cor­rect­ly fear­ing the 2022 elec­tions may sweep them from pow­er have employed soft ter­ror­ism to main­tain con­trol of their social­ist mes­sage by try­ing to dri­ve anti-Pro­gres­sive  oppo­nents from the field, espe­cial­ly Trump sup­port­ers. The gov­ern­ments abuse of sim­ple mis­de­meanants from the 06 Jan­u­ary protest is soft ter­ror­ism or ‘the­ater of the world,’ specif­i­cal­ly employed for the pur­pose of instill­ing fear. Charg­ing sim­ple tres­passers who entered the Capi­tol build­ing as felons and sen­tenc­ing them to prison, even if only for short terms, is Demo­c­rat domes­tic ter­ror­ism at its worst. Where are the Repub­li­cans call­ing foul play? No where, most of the GOP lead­er­ship are Deep Staters. Steve Ban­non’s con­vic­tion for refus­ing to hon­or a sub­poe­na from Pelosi’s 06 Jan­u­ary Com­mis­sion, a Sovi­et style show tri­al, is anoth­er case in point. Also, the treat­ment of Trumps for­mer advi­sors being arrest­ed by the FBI and pub­licly hauled off in chains, is just anoth­er exer­cise in Democ­rats appli­ca­tion of soft ter­ror­ism against oppo­nents of the Pro­gres­sive State. They no longer deny it!

What oth­er forms of Ter­ror­ism will the Biden admin­is­tra­tion threat­en us with before Novem­ber comes? How about anoth­er man­dat­ed pan­dem­ic to rekin­dle fear in Amer­i­cans con­di­tioned to accept gov­ern­ments claim that our pop­u­la­tion is in extreme dan­ger from the newest threat, Mon­key-Pox. Well, I call it Don­key Pox because it is a Demo­c­rat trans­mit­ted dis­ease of ter­ror­ism and, while Mon­key Pox is actu­al­ly a dis­ease that occurs between homo­sex­u­als exchang­ing vital body flu­ids, it gives Democ­rats anoth­er talk­ing point to scare us with and when they talk, they lie. How can that Pox affect you or me if we keep our pants zipped? But, it’s all they got unless they can con­vince us to mask up again for anoth­er round of Covid. But, even that scare is falling apart. CDC’s Dr. Deb­o­rah Brix, under Fau­ci, has pub­licly affirmed that the COVID vac­cine: “doesn’t pro­tect you against infec­tion.” That was their sell­ing point when the vac­cines were rolled out, “get the shot, and you won’t get sick.” Of course, you may die but they promised any ver­sion of that vac­cine would pre­vent infec­tion and it all has turned out to be a lie. Where are we now on the vac­cine mes­sag­ing war: The vac­cine will pre­vent severe ill­ness and death, but you can still get infect­ed. Oh joy, rap­ture. I am so reassured.

Right now, Democ­rats have to fig­ure out who their 2024 can­di­date could be because their field is so shal­low, Joe’s gone. I think the 25th Amend­ment will be employed against him but not before they decide what to do with Kamala because she is cer­tain­ly more dan­ger­ous, even acci­den­tal­ly, than Joe is now. When Repub­li­cans take con­trol of Con­gress in 2022, they have a two year win­dow to elim­i­nate the always scary Hillary Clin­ton by bring­ing charges against her for trea­son and all her oth­er crimes. Who’s left? I wouldn’t bet against Michelle Oba­ma. Through her hus­band, she has the machine, the mon­ey and the iden­ti­ty to squeeze in if she wants it. She also has bag­gage so it’s a toss up, but Joe’s still got­ta go!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Not, go get ‘em! (26Jul22)

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