OPINION: The Enemies Within
Submitted by George McClellan
The closer we get to the November elections, the clearer the problems become for Americans who want to keep America a Constitutional Republic instead of seeing it shifted into a Soviet style socialist government where individualism, self-reliance and freedom of choice are substituted with the demonstrably unworkable ideas of equity, inclusion and diversity. We may as add, obedience to such cock-a-meenie ideas as child grooming, CRT and a return of racial disharmony vis a vis, White Supremacy and Black victimhood. They demand it!
We error as Conservatives when we politically think only in terms of Republicans vs Democrats, ie: Right vs Left. Thats where they want us to spin our wheels when the real organizing for our transformation is by the New World Order crowd, ie: the World Economic Forum. Like the United Nations, big corporations that affect our cultural identity have become our defacto enemies. The Woke Disney Corporation for example, has already changed the popular culture memes at their theme parks to embrace equity, inclusion and diversity. Whats going to be next, the Snow White character becomes Coal Black? Sure, why not? Ill bet even odds, the evil witch will always be White. These Woke corporate people dont realize that simply changing word definitions, or the color of their characters or their characters sexual needs, and expecting us to accept it to fit their idea of political correctness, will not change the words true meanings or the thinking of impressionable little children. Maybe it will!
How did we arrive at this unhappy spot where perverts and gay comic-book characters are being substituted for Americas cartoon hero’s? Captain America is a gay blade? Not in my book. The path from the 1960s, when the streets started filling with disheveled, pot smoking anti-war protestors screaming out foul language at will, to todays miserable example of a civilized society, has only changed because the demonstrators of the 60s are todays college professors and todays students are discarding the sloppy dress codes of 60s and now appear, when not as Antifa and BLM rioters, as soft spoken, well dressed young people with a new message for todays youths. The Leopard has changed its spots! Todays radicals dont want to be mistaken for the homeless rejects that are filling and fouling our public squares.
Consider how our culture has changed since the Vietnam war of the 60s. Realizing their success in helping neutralize Americas war effort, the Left slowly turned its attention to neutralizing Conservative America. They carefully infiltrated our schools, universities, trade unions, churches, institutions and the main street media where they have managed, before our very eyes, to transform the consciousness of American Society. Were talking about perverts as real people and not sickos. They can be seen out on the streets today complaining about the Roe v Wade decision. A Disney Corporation executive even admitted that Disney was inserting a not so secret gay agenda into its children’s programming. We didnt see it coming because our Deep State power elites, mainly the Democrats and Hollywood entertainment honchos said it wasnt so and we believed them. Now, its almost too late and the remedial action if any, will be painful for America especially as they, the elites, hate to be challenged.
In Georgia’s politics we are beginning to realize that local politics best works from the Bottom up (grassroots) challenging the assumed rights of the Top (politicians), who do what they want to do so long as their positions of power are not adversely affected. And, we still have an unwanted Secretary of State in office solely because of primary cross over voting by Democrats to keep him there. They knew the loop hole and used it. The recent early Georgia primaries set forth new state candidates supported by the Georgia Republican Assemblies, the old TEA Partys resurrected, and the power’s to be have declared that Georgias Republican Party would not financially support any candidate who won with the backing of the Republican Assemblies. Apparently the GOP would rather see the apparatus of Georgia government in Democrat hands than see the writing on the wall, Neo-Conservatism is on the way out.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get em! (19Aug22).