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OPINION: The Enemies Within

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

The clos­er we get to the Novem­ber elec­tions, the clear­er the prob­lems become for Amer­i­cans who want to keep Amer­i­ca a Con­sti­tu­tion­al Repub­lic instead of see­ing it shift­ed into a Sovi­et style social­ist gov­ern­ment where indi­vid­u­al­ism, self-reliance and free­dom of choice are sub­sti­tut­ed with the demon­stra­bly unwork­able ideas of equi­ty, inclu­sion and diver­si­ty. We may as add, obe­di­ence to such cock-a-mee­nie ideas as child groom­ing, CRT and a return of racial dishar­mo­ny vis a vis, White Suprema­cy and Black vic­tim­hood. They demand it!

We error as Con­ser­v­a­tives when we polit­i­cal­ly think only in terms of Repub­li­cans vs Democ­rats, ie: Right vs Left. Thats where they want us to spin our wheels when the real orga­niz­ing for our trans­for­ma­tion is by the New World Order crowd, ie: the World Eco­nom­ic Forum. Like the Unit­ed Nations, big cor­po­ra­tions that affect our cul­tur­al iden­ti­ty have become our defac­to ene­mies. The Woke Dis­ney Cor­po­ra­tion for exam­ple, has already changed the pop­u­lar cul­ture memes at their theme parks to embrace equi­ty, inclu­sion and diver­si­ty. Whats going to be next, the Snow White char­ac­ter becomes Coal Black? Sure, why not? Ill bet even odds, the evil witch will always be White. These Woke cor­po­rate peo­ple dont real­ize that sim­ply chang­ing word def­i­n­i­tions, or the col­or of their char­ac­ters or their char­ac­ters sex­u­al needs, and expect­ing us to accept it to fit their idea of polit­i­cal cor­rect­ness, will not change the words true mean­ings or the think­ing of impres­sion­able lit­tle chil­dren. Maybe it will!

How did we arrive at this unhap­py spot where per­verts and gay com­ic-book char­ac­ters are being sub­sti­tut­ed for Amer­i­c­as car­toon hero’s? Cap­tain Amer­i­ca is a gay blade? Not in my book. The path from the 1960s, when the streets start­ed fill­ing with disheveled, pot smok­ing anti-war pro­tes­tors scream­ing out foul lan­guage at will, to todays mis­er­able exam­ple of a civ­i­lized soci­ety, has only changed because the demon­stra­tors of the 60s are todays col­lege pro­fes­sors and todays stu­dents are dis­card­ing the slop­py dress codes of 60s and now appear, when not as Antifa and BLM riot­ers, as soft spo­ken, well dressed young peo­ple with a new mes­sage for todays youths. The Leop­ard has changed its spots! Todays rad­i­cals dont want to be mis­tak­en for the home­less rejects that are fill­ing and foul­ing our pub­lic squares.

Con­sid­er how our cul­ture has changed since the Viet­nam war of the 60s. Real­iz­ing their suc­cess in help­ing neu­tral­ize Amer­i­c­as war effort, the Left slow­ly turned its atten­tion to neu­tral­iz­ing Con­ser­v­a­tive Amer­i­ca. They care­ful­ly infil­trat­ed our schools, uni­ver­si­ties, trade unions, church­es, insti­tu­tions and the main street media where they have man­aged, before our very eyes, to trans­form the con­scious­ness of Amer­i­can Soci­ety. Were talk­ing about per­verts as real peo­ple and not sick­os. They can be seen out on the streets today com­plain­ing about the Roe v Wade deci­sion. A Dis­ney Cor­po­ra­tion exec­u­tive even admit­ted that Dis­ney was insert­ing a not so secret gay agen­da into its chil­dren’s pro­gram­ming. We did­nt see it com­ing because our Deep State pow­er elites, main­ly the Democ­rats and Hol­ly­wood enter­tain­ment hon­chos said it was­nt so and we believed them. Now, its almost too late and the reme­di­al action if any, will be painful for Amer­i­ca espe­cial­ly as they, the elites, hate to be chal­lenged.

In Geor­gia’s pol­i­tics we are begin­ning to real­ize that local pol­i­tics best works from the Bot­tom up (grass­roots) chal­leng­ing the assumed rights of the Top (politi­cians), who do what they want to do so long as their posi­tions of pow­er are not adverse­ly affect­ed. And, we still have an unwant­ed Sec­re­tary of State in office sole­ly because of pri­ma­ry cross over vot­ing by Democ­rats to keep him there. They knew the loop hole and used it. The recent ear­ly Geor­gia pri­maries set forth new state can­di­dates sup­port­ed by the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Assem­blies, the old TEA Par­tys res­ur­rect­ed, and the pow­er’s to be have declared that Geor­gias Repub­li­can Par­ty would not finan­cial­ly sup­port any can­di­date who won with the back­ing of the Repub­li­can Assem­blies. Appar­ent­ly the GOP would rather see the appa­ra­tus of Geor­gia gov­ern­ment in Demo­c­rat hands than see the writ­ing on the wall, Neo-Con­ser­vatism is on the way out.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get em! (19Aug22).

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