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OPINION: Why Will The Democrats be Defeated?


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

Because they are immoral! They don’t just sup­port moral issues like homo­sex­u­al caus­es, trans­gen­derism and CRT, they add to their immoral­i­ty by demand­ing we approve using Woke gen­der iden­ti­ty pro­nouns to sup­port their igno­rant unnat­ur­al ideas, demand­ing we ignore the bio­log­i­cal fact that a male on a wom­an’s swim team is a male and should either be cas­trat­ed or ignored, they push local leg­is­la­tion to effect the return of abor­tions on demand while attack­ing Chris­tians and Chris­t­ian val­ues that oppose such unAmer­i­can dri­v­el. They hate the US Con­sti­tu­tion and all it stands for. That’s why!

Democ­rats who are engaged in forc­ing these dan­ger­ous ideas on an increas­ing­ly alarmed pub­lic are meet­ing ris­ing resis­tance, not from our elect­ed Repub­li­can lead­ers, but from out­raged cit­i­zens brave­ly fac­ing the threats of FBI arrests as domes­tic ter­ror­ists, protest­ing Left­ist school boards. They encour­age the destruc­tive “let ‘em loose” poli­cies of Soros imposed DA’s turn­ing Amer­i­can Cities into fetid swamps of pure crim­i­nal­i­ty encour­ag­ing a grow­ing cli­mate of law­less­ness, dri­ving hon­est peo­ple out. The law­less are armed but Democ­rats want to relieve us of our rights to pro­tect our­selves our homes and loved ones.

Democ­rats are a threat to our indi­vid­ual lib­er­ty, evi­denced by their unceas­ing efforts to dis­arm us and destroy the Con­sti­tu­tion­al safe­guards to our lib­er­ty, the First and Sec­ond amend­ments. Because they are in fact unAmer­i­can, dis­play no patri­o­tism and are teth­ered to an imbe­cile occu­pi­er of the Oval Office, they should be offered no redemp­tion, no excuse and no quarter.

Democ­rats have used the appa­ra­tus of a cor­rupt Con­gress under the deranged lead­er­ship of Nan­cy Pelosi and Chuck­ie Schumer, who have enriched them­selves at our expense, to con­fis­cate the hard earned wealth from work­ing Amer­i­cans through oner­ous tax­a­tion, spend­ing schemes that pro­mote the infla­tion tax, actu­al thefts of prop­er­ty under the col­or of author­i­ty, to redis­trib­ute it, not to Amer­i­cans but to par­ty faith­ful, big donors, union­ist lead­ers and mil­lions of ille­gals invit­ed across our bor­ders to swell the ranks of Demo­c­rat rolls. Demo­c­rat wel­fare pro­grams that are offen­sive to com­mon sense must be stopped imme­di­ate­ly when Con­ser­v­a­tives retake the Con­gress. I include the bil­lions of US dol­lars Biden is send­ing to the Ukraine but not our bor­der. Too, I can’t see the new Con­ser­v­a­tive House agree­ing to fund the 87,000 new IRS employ­ees unless pos­si­bly, they agree to go to the south­ern bor­der to set up tables to col­lect an entry tax from those ille­gals com­ing across.

We must not for­get that when wield­ing the author­i­ty of law, Democ­rats become tyrants capa­ble of heinous acts like the mur­ders of eighty US cit­i­zens in Waco, Texas they found amus­ing, enter­tain­ing and jus­ti­fied. They are respon­si­ble for snatch­ing up a lit­tle Cuban boy to be returned to Fidel Cas­tro’s evil Island, they mur­dered a woman at Ruby Ridge on the con­trived evi­dence her hus­band was an ille­gal firearms deal­er, the faith shak­ing mil­i­tary pull-out from Afghanistan leav­ing an embold­ened ene­my with bil­lions of dol­lars in weapons and a weak­ened Amer­i­can gov­ern­ment fac­ing the oncom­ing onslaught of its ene­mies, Rus­sia and Chi­na, not to men­tion North Kore­a’s nut case, Kim Jung Un and his odi­ous sis­ter. We must not ignore the sole­ly polit­i­cal and unprece­dent­ed search of Pres­i­dent Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Flori­da. The humil­i­a­tion of both is almost unbear­able yet the occu­pant in the Oval Office, is clueless.

The felonies pile up yet no reme­di­al action by the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment at any lev­el, is tak­en to inves­ti­gate, arrest and remand vio­la­tors for tri­al. The mis­cre­ants, so long as they are Democ­rats go unpun­ished yet, 06 Jan­u­ary pro­tes­tors to Demo­c­rat crimes are held in squalid deten­tion as felons, fined oner­ous amounts of mon­ey or impris­oned for terms longer than a real felon would get and are treat­ed with the indig­ni­ty of not even being an Amer­i­can cit­i­zen. The Demo­c­rat social­ist phi­los­o­phy, run­ning ram­pant, is unrav­el­ing our nations moral fab­ric. Their are no civ­il lib­er­ties for Con­ser­v­a­tives in their Social­ist State. They are self­ish, immoral and dan­ger­ous. They will be defeat­ed because we are jus­ti­fi­ably afraid of them.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get involved! (25Aug22)

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