Home / News / #BKP discusses 13 RINOs voting yes to Biden’s Infrastructure bill!#BKP discusses 13 RINOs voting yes to Biden’s Infrastructure bill!#BKP discusses 13 RINOs voting yes to Biden’s Infrastructure bill! 13, Biden's, Bill, BKP, FetchYourNews, FYNTV, Infrastructure, RINOs, Voice of Rural America, VORA, Voting, Yes Post navigation Prev PostLori discusses N.J. Steve Sweeney refusing to concede in Senate race, and Truck Driver shortage!! Next Post#BKP talks about the Power of 5 event from this weekend, and what Dems fear the most in 2022!You May Also Like Diane’s Playlist: Illegals Shipped Into Small Towns We Have A Communist Government And They Want To Install A Communist Leader Kamala Will Weaponize DOJ Against Misinformation