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All Star Political Panel — News of the Week

The ASPP dis­cuss the news of the week and the upcom­ing Fourth of July cel­e­bra­tions in Blue Ridge and Elli­jay.

Tuck­er’s overview of the FBI raids on the peo­ple that were close to his admin­is­tra­tion to elim­i­na­tion of Trump from run­ning again. The mon­ey that the gov­ern­ment is spend­ing on this insignif­i­cant issue with the two impeach­ment tri­als and the select Jan­u­ary 6 com­mit­tee hear­ings. They are try­ing to make a moun­tain out of a mole­hill when we have oth­er moun­tains to climb.

Biden should­nt be allowed to leave this coun­try. We should be let­ting every­one in the world know that he is inca­pable of run­ning the coun­try. This is the rea­son why they picked Kamala Har­ris as his run­ning mate because they would have already pushed the 25th amend­ment. They should have gone on Air Force One when he got back from Europe and detained him. Biden is com­pro­mised because he knew Hunter’s involve­ment with Rus­sia, Chi­na, Ukraine. The moun­tain of evi­dence is huge.

Ques­tion: Would you rather have 100 bil­lion dol­lars go to Hon­duras and El Sal­vador to invest in edu­ca­tion and increase their way of liv­ing or send weapons over to Ukraine?

We have proof that Biden has been com­pro­mised that we knew well before the elec­tion. .and if we were able to know and dis­cuss. Where was the FBI CIA and main­stream media. They let him be elect­ed, cor­rec­tion they got him elect­ed.

If Putin sur­vives the win­ter what’s going to hap­pen? Every­day Putin has some death threat or health threat. Here Putin has sur­round­ed all the water areas in Ukraine. And accord­ing to main­stream media Putin is doing every­thing wrong, yet the truth is he is rak­ing in the mon­ey. The only thing that keeps him from pay­ing his bills is the sanc­tions. Putin says that Swe­den and Fin­land are not a big deal. What is the dif­fer­ence between weapons in Poland and putting weapons in Swe­den and Fin­land? Putin is play­ing chess. Come win­ter and ener­gy costs peo­ple will suf­fer in Europe. Putin wants the island in the Baltic Sea and wants a base there on the island so no one can come into the back of Rus­sia. The war has been slow walked by the US and NATO, Putin announced weeks before say­ing they were going to war with Ukraine.

Chi­na has their hooks deep in Africa, the All Star Polit­i­cal Pan­el have con­flict­ing ideas on what to make of it. One side, says its a lit­tle to late to be in the game. the oth­er says, it always takes the local pop­u­la­tion to take over and there will be a point where the locals will say no.

The 6 cas­es dur­ing this ses­sion of the Supreme Court real­ly had an impact.

The Supreme Court deci­sion this week defang the EPA, stat­ing the clean air act does not give the EPA right to pass reg­u­la­tions. It has to have a law passed by Con­gress to be able to do all the reg­u­la­to­ry things. Dur­ing Oba­ma the reg­u­la­to­ry agen­cies pro­duced reg­u­la­tions after reg­u­la­tions with­out Con­gress mak­ing a law. Trump got rid of the reg­u­la­tions because he said for every law he passed, 2 had to go away.

Over­turn­ing Roe v Wade, the states will have to look at their indi­vid­ual State Con­sti­tu­tions. Your State Rep­re­sen­ta­tives and State Sen­a­tors have the keys now. The states that did not have an abor­tion law because they were hap­py with Roe v Wade now arent allowed to have abor­tions like NY and CA. all the oth­er states that have abor­tions because they lim­it­ed Roe v Wade allow abor­tions. The best thing for you state is to copy the lan­guage of Roe v Wade to elim­i­nate abor­tions in your state.

The rea­son for the lack of out­rage for the 53 immi­grants that died from heat stroke is because of being desen­si­tized to it and the fact they were ille­gals in the truck.

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