Home / News / BKP talks about Americans want a leader, the stark difference between Biden and Trump

BKP talks about Americans want a leader, the stark difference between Biden and Trump


We need a leader of the free world. We have estab­lished long ago that Joe Biden is not it. We know the left and the green­house gas nuts would run amok. We have a full steam ahead green new deal. The world is protest­ing against glob­al­ism. Even democ­rats are look­ing for a leader. You have left­ies in the media that are con­cerned and aren’t talk­ing about it. They know what is going on and are not will­ing to talk about it. 

Biden is going to beg Sau­di Ara­bia to pro­duce more oil this week. Democ­rats think they can get things done with “com­mon sense gun leg­is­la­tion”. The peo­ple know that this leg­is­la­tion did not do any­thing to stop the shoot­ings in High­land park and Uvalde. Biden signed a glo­ri­fied Exec­u­tive Order for Roe v Wade. They don’t want Trump in the white house again because they know he will put a stop to the non-sense. 

But the Amer­i­can peo­ple are focused on lead­er­ship. There is a stark dif­fer­ence between Biden’s lead­er­ship and Trump’s lead­er­ship. Why are they doing every­thing to stop Trump? There has to be some­thing good about Trump for them to put all the time, effort and resources to stop Trump. Lar­ry Hogan R‑MD, Gov­er­nor, in an inter­view say­ing that Trump’s lead­er­ship is dimin­ish­ing. Hogan hates Don­ald Trump. He came to GA to cam­paign for Bri­an Kemp. Hogan even has some staffers on Kem­p’s campaign. 

Democ­rats are mov­ing away from Biden and aren’t mov­ing to Har­ris. They know Pelosi and Schumer are evil. Are they ready to set­tle to give it to some­one like Mike Pence? Because they know a demo­c­rat can’t win in 2024. If Pence or Kemp gets in they know they will hand it over when the time comes. It all comes down to the Deep State stay­ing in con­trol and the hatred of Trump and stop­ping the every­day Amer­i­can peo­ple. But if Trump runs they are scared he will turn DC upside down and inside out. 

Send BKP who you think Trump would let be in his cab­i­net. It will be curi­ous to see the cab­i­net with the Trump presidency. 

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