Home / Featured Segments / BKP talks about the lack of voter confidence in GA and the hate for Trump

BKP talks about the lack of voter confidence in GA and the hate for Trump

Between the Jan 6 com­mit­tee, the RINOs, the democ­rats, they absolute­ly hate Trump.

In GA, with Kemp being on the tick­et for repub­li­cans, BKP does ques­tion where GA stands with Trump. There is one thing for sure in GA they will not let you get your hands on the bal­lots. You dont have stand­ing. You did­nt write the law­suit prop­er­ly. The Sec­re­tary of State will stop it, the Gov­er­nor will stop it. In the May 2022 pri­ma­ry, Chris Mora, the chair­man of the Pick­ens coun­ty GOP, want­ed to do a full audit of the Sec­re­tary of State and the Gov­er­nor race. Rick Jaspers, the state rep­re­sen­ta­tive, was all on board for the audit. Rick Jaspers was told by the Sec­re­tary of State and the Gov­er­nor to squash the effort, but Jaspers states that it was too impor­tant.

GBI, True the Vote, Voter­GA, Judge Bri­an Amero all found incon­sis­ten­cies in the elec­tion, yet all efforts have been squashed. We will nev­er see the bal­lots in GA with Bri­an Kemp and Brad Raf­fensperg­er. We are upset because of the lack of con­fi­dence in our elec­tion process. Until we can take the bal­lot and read the QR code on the bal­lots in GA the con­fi­dence will nev­er be there.

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