Home / News / BKP talks about Pickens day in court, elites love power and more

BKP talks about Pickens day in court, elites love power and more

Pick­ens coun­ty cant get their day in court. They had no oppo­si­tion to the audit. In Ful­ton coun­ty there was a lot of oppo­si­tion to the audit, fight­ing it to stop it in its tracks. They have to stop it because if Pick­ens coun­ty finds some­thing then all the coun­ties will want to fol­low suit.

The elites love hav­ing pow­er.

The gov­ern­ment froze the bank accounts of the truck­ers in protests over the COVID vac­cine man­dates. It went bad as cit­i­zens were tram­pled by mount­ed police.

Rutte in Nether­lands they are trans­form­ing food sys­tems and land use which has caused the farm­ers are protest­ing block­ing high­ways with trac­tors and dump­ing manure at gov­ern­ment places. The Dutch gov­ern­ment has embarked upon insane efforts to slash green­house gasses, to slash the nitro­gen oxide in the soil. The gov­ern­ment states that the hon­est mes­sage is not all farm­ers will con­tin­ue busi­ness. Those that do will have to do dif­fer­ent­ly. This is what hap­pens when your gov­ern­ment gets pen­e­trat­ed by glob­al­ist activists from the World Eco­nom­ic Forum, as boast­ed by Klaus Schwab in 2017. Schwabs plan is to pen­e­trate the cab­i­nets in the coun­try’s nation­al gov­ern­ments, which he has suc­cess­ful­ly done in many coun­tries.

Keep in mind that Boris John­son (he liked Trump) is gone, will his replace­ment fol­low the cli­mate agen­da of the WEF?

BTW Abe For­mer PM of Japan also liked Trump.

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