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All Star Political Panel: Mainstream Media, Biden and the democrats, 2024 predictions, and more

The com­plic­it media is not telling the truth and the whole truth. Case in point, the 10 year old was preg­nant and had to go to Indi­ana to get abor­tion. You nev­er heard about the rapist. The AG could­nt find any data. Then we find out that the Guatemalan was the rapist. The nar­ra­tive was that the abor­tion could­nt hap­pen in OH and had to go across state lines. Not about the rape of a 10 year old girl. Now the girl is in the media.

The list of things that the media has cov­ered up.

What the sco­tus did was uncon­sti­tu­tion­al — they gave the laws back to the states.
2020 elec­tion did­nt have any fraud, no laws were vio­lat­ed, and zuker­bucks, and soros mon­ey

Cdc based every­thing on sci­ence — no evi­dence that masks worked, plex­i­glass, the vac­cine, 6 feet apart. Where is the cov­er­age when fau­ci said these vac­cines dont work.

Fos­sil fuels affect­ing cli­mate — it is based on com­put­er algo­rithm mod­els that have been manip­u­lat­ed to show the results they want.

The lap­top being russ­ian mis­in­for­ma­tion

MSM is actu­al­ly report­ing the semi truth about Biden. Joene says that the reporters have a con­science, the rea­son they are start­ing to tell the truth.
It is ques­tion­able if peo­ple under­stand how impor­tant it is to retake the house and sen­ate and the impor­tance of the super major­i­ty. The infla­tion 9.1% is a 12 month com­par­i­son. They were com­par­ing Trump’s num­bers. We are now in the peri­od of the high­er num­bers last year and then stack these num­bers on top. It is actu­al­ly larg­er than 9.1%, the Pro­duc­er price index is 11.1% more, and man­u­fac­tur­ers are pay­ing 11.1% more to make the stuff. Back in the 80s the inter­est rates were late to rise to defeat the infla­tion. In the 80s the great infla­tion was caused by ris­ing oil prices, gov­ern­ment spend­ing, and rise in wages. We are in the same place. The Fed has start­ed to raise the inter­est rates, soon­er than in the 1980s. The cost to bor­row mon­ey will stop the bor­row­ing. If they quit bor­row­ing and the com­pa­nies start lay­ing off peo­ple.

They did­nt miss the boat, they knew it was hap­pen­ing. The admin­is­tra­tion has caused this and it is hurt­ing a bulk of our soci­ety, the ones that cant afford it the most. The per­cent­ages of home pur­chase con­tracts are being can­celled. 15%. There are high­er delin­quent cred­it pay­ments.

The Amer­i­can peo­ple know when we are at that point. Busi­ness own­ers know when it hits. We dont have to wait on the gov­ern­ment.

Flori­da con­gress­men Brook Don­alds, he spoke before Con­gress what they are doing to the peo­ple, espe­cial­ly black peo­ple. If the admin­is­tra­tion thinks that the black pop­u­la­tion thinks they have the back of the democ­rats they are sore­ly wrong.

Send­ing mon­ey to Ukraine and sell­ing oil to a com­pa­ny that Hunter owns a stake in. there isn’t a spe­cial coun­cil. Don­ald Trump made one phone call to Ukraine to look into the Biden scan­dal and he was impeached. And hunter and joe was over there and send­ing mon­ey to ukraine and noth­ing.

The media is lay­ing the ground­work to get rid of Biden, when they actu­al­ly come out and say that Joe was com­pro­mised and does­nt remem­ber any­thing. They have set the stage for him to claim he did­nt know any­thing about it so he cant be charged.

New­som is the new dar­ling of the democ­rats. They have already set the state of new­som and desan­tis. Who was new­som meet­ing with for his trip to the white house while joe was over­seas. The stick­ing point is how to jump over Kamala. She keeps say­ing she will run as long as Biden runs. She will resign before they are ready to get rid of Biden.

Trump wants to run, but it could be anoth­er any­thing but trump force. Desan­tis has a clean slate and he is young and he has the posi­tions to get things done.
Durham is ask­ing for 30 sub­poe­nas in the Igor Danchenko he was the one that was feed­ing the mis­for­ma­tion to the Steele Dossier.

The media is try­ing to manip­u­late the 2022 elec­tion. The Infla­tion num­bers will go down clos­er to the elec­tion. Ordi­nary peo­ple, the most recent mem­o­ry was that every­thing was­nt this bad under Trump. Not all Amer­i­cans are pay­ing atten­tion to Desan­tis. Peo­ple are say­ing under Trump peo­ple are say­ing that our gas was under $2 and the bor­der was secure.

Pre­dic­tions on who will run in 2024
Mike Pence — BKP
Tom Cot­ton — Rick
Chris Christie — Joene
Ron DeSan­tis — Joene
Don­ald Trump — BKP
Win­ners and Losers

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