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BKP talks about Jan6, economy, cost of living adjustment, and more


They are work­ing on the plan for Joe’s exit strat­e­gy. It will prob­a­bly hap­pen after November. 

Jan 6 is all about Trump and not let­ting Trump run again. Trump will do in his sec­ond term what he couldn’t do in his first. 

The econ­o­my. Janet Yellen. We have a week of eco­nom­ic num­bers com­ing this week. The real­i­ty is what you feel at home. This week the con­sumer con­fi­dence num­ber will be out. On Wednes­day the Fed will raise inter­est rates. On Thurs­day the GDP will show six straight months of neg­a­tive growth. This is the def­i­n­i­tion of a reces­sion. Janet Yellen said the labor mar­ket is strong, a reces­sion is broad based weak­ness­es. Cnn says it is tricky that you usu­al­ly don’t know you’re in a reces­sion until you come out of it. That infla­tion is slow­ing as gas is down. If you are sit­ting at home, you decide if we are in a reces­sion. Have you start­ed elim­i­nat­ing the trips to down, chang­ing what you are spend­ing your mon­ey on. Are fore­clo­sures increas­ing, pay­ments are late, cars are get­ting repoed. Look to see invest­ment groups putting bil­lions of dol­lars togeth­er to buy up fore­closed properties. 

A cost of liv­ing adjust­ment for seniors may get anoth­er cost of liv­ing adjust­ment. On one hand it is good but it doesn’t come close to cov­er­ing the increased prices of infla­tion, gas prices, pre­scrip­tion drugs, prop­er­ty tax­es. If you give the seniors adjust­ment, the US will have to bor­row the mon­ey. What a cost of liv­ing adjust­ment cost in total to Amer­i­ca for social secu­ri­ty. The total cost we are going to put out for social secu­ri­ty, the US will have to bor­row. How much does it cost Amer­i­cans to bor­row that money? 

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