Home / News / BKP talks about our schools, a split congress, republican’s claim to unify, economy and more

BKP talks about our schools, a split congress, republican’s claim to unify, economy and more

We have such a cor­rupt deep state. If the deep state is not real, why stop Don­ald Trump?

They have a plan. They take the chil­dren over the week of and the first day of school to enroll the chil­dren. The schools in order for them to get fund­ing have to cat­e­go­rize the migrants and the fund­ing is based on the cat­e­go­ry of the stu­dents enrolled.

The turn to rec­og­nize the need for Con­gress to be split between the two par­ties. The repub­li­cans hav­ing major­i­ty of the House and the democ­rats hav­ing the Sen­ate. BKP pre­dict­ed the change last week.

Axios did an arti­cle on Trump’s rad­i­cal plan for his sec­ond term. Ron DeSan­tis is the best gov­er­nor in the US. The push back on Dis­ney was excel­lent. He is an amaz­ing gov­er­nor. If he were elect­ed to the pres­i­den­cy would he be able to do what is nec­es­sary to put the US back on track.

Turn­ing Point Sum­mit straw poll Trump won by 78.7%. Trump is the front run­ner. The US gov­er­nors asso­ci­a­tion and sev­er­al nation­al meet­ings of the GOP are beg­ging Trump to hold off until after Novem­ber.

The repub­li­can par­ty says you must sing kum­baya once there is a nom­i­na­tion. We are to uni­fy when their can­di­date wins, but if a Trump endorsed can­di­date wins, we hear that they wont back the nom­i­nee. Hogan, the cur­rent repub­li­can gov­er­nor of Mary­land says he wont sup­port the par­ty’s nom­i­nee in Mary­land, pre­dict­ing that the GOP has no chance to win the gov­er­nor’s race. Hogan is say­ing that the Trump endorsed can­di­date Dan Cox is a QAnon Whack­job.

The Witch Hunt in Atlanta: the DA of Ful­ton Co, Fani Willis hosts a fundrais­ing event for Char­lie Bai­ley. She isnt doing her job for the cit­i­zens of Ful­ton Co, she is work­ing to make a nation­al name for her­self and to save democ­ra­cy from Don­ald Trump. At the time the alter­na­tive elec­tors were picked 16 for the repub­li­cans. There was a stand­ing open case that if it was won, could have over­turned the elec­tion, the need for the repub­li­can 16 elec­tors. Fani Willis is call­ing the alter­nate elec­tors, not fake, to tes­ti­fy in the witch hunt. Char­lie Bai­ley is the demo­c­rat can­di­date for LT Gov, Burt Jones is the repub­li­can can­di­date for LT Gov. Fani Willis is going after her polit­i­cal oppo­nents.

Side-note: Study what hap­pened with the 13th amend­ment. The democ­rats were against free­ing the slaves.

Janet Yellen is try­ing to change the def­i­n­i­tion of a reces­sion.

The democ­rats are try­ing to fig­ure out the exit strat­e­gy for Joe Biden.

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