Home / News / Lori talks about new revelations with bomb threats, hiring at State Dept, economy, and more

Lori talks about new revelations with bomb threats, hiring at State Dept, economy, and more

Seems like there are new rev­e­la­tions every day.

Long Street Cafe wel­comed Fox and Friends and Her­schel Walk­er yes­ter­day.
Her­schel Walk­er will be trav­el­ing the state talk­ing to vot­ers.

Bri­an Kemp will be in Toc­coa next week.

Do your part in the Novem­ber elec­tion and be a poll watch­er? We want to make sure this is the most trans­par­ent elec­tion to ensure we have safe and secure elec­tions.

Bomb threats in area col­leges and schools. 8 schools on Mon­day. The GBI and FBI are inves­ti­gat­ing. School safe­ty is the con­cern this year as many cam­pus­es are gear­ing up for the new year.

Fundrais­er for Danc­ing with the Stars for Hope in Haber­sham, GA for the vic­tims of domes­tic vio­lence. Cir­cle of Hope event, August 13 at Haber­sham Cen­tral High School.

The Fed­er­al Reserve raised the inter­est rate .75 pts and will most like­ly raise again in Sep­tem­ber. And offi­cial­ly we are not in a reces­sion but the Amer­i­can peo­ple know how we feel at the end of the month.

Jerome Pow­ell comes out to say that he does­nt think there is a reces­sion because there are areas of the econ­o­my that are doing well, espe­cial­ly the labor mar­ket which is very strong.

The Biden admin­is­tra­tion made promis­es and have not ful­filled them accord­ing to the farmer. The pro­gres­sive agen­da is being shoved down the throats of the Amer­i­can peo­ple.

Ted Cruz reads an email sent out by the State Depart­ment. The hir­ing prac­tices inside the state depart­ment have been devel­oped that cer­tain can­di­dates could­nt be hired based on dis­abil­i­ty, white men, straight right men, not of the right reli­gion. Gina Aber­crom­bie- Win­stan­ley, Chief Diver­si­ty and Inclu­sion Offi­cer of the US Depart­ment of State, states that she had nev­er seen the email before. The ene­my is if you are a straight white male and a chrisi­tan.

Prices are increas­ing, busi­ness­es have had to increase to cov­er the costs. When we start putting the val­ue of life over non-humans we are in trou­ble.

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