Home / News / BKP talks about Trader Joe Manchin, Trader Joe Biden, Key Senate races and more

BKP talks about Trader Joe Manchin, Trader Joe Biden, Key Senate races and more

Trad­er Joe is Joe Manchin, he went on all the morn­ing shows and had absolute­ly noth­ing to say about Biden. What kind of deals he made and what he got to sell out Amer­i­ca. We are sell-outs. He had no prob­lem on all the net­works. He nev­er said that he was hop­ing Democ­rats would win in West Vir­ginia and that Biden would run in 2024.

The Joe Biden gift that they are plan­ning to elim­i­nate debt. We need to total­ly tear down our uni­ver­si­ty sys­tem and start all over. They shut the whole world down for COVID. So when the kids go to col­lege they real­ly get the col­lege course.

We are on Kyrsten watch. Kyrsten Sine­ma and where she stands on the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act. They are try­ing to save the sen­ate. The msm has side­stepped the house and are focused on the sen­ate. Joe Manchin is a sen­a­tor and is try­ing to par­tic­i­pate in sav­ing the sen­ate for the democ­rats. Sine­ma has­nt signed on to the IRA because the pri­ma­ry in AZ is tomor­row.

The key sen­ate races to watch NV, CO, AZ, WI, OH, PA, NC, NH, GA, FL. Kyrsten Sine­ma took the seat from Martha McSal­ly in 2018.

The media has gone crazy against the LIV Golf Event beauce it is a Sau­di backed event. But this does­nt both­er them. The Saud­is have a stake in Dis­ney, face­book, star­bucks, bank of amer­i­ca, berk­shire hath­away, qual­comm, uber and oth­ers.

Joe has covid again. And has had a relapse. The Michi­gan event has been can­celed. Won­der­ing if he will have covid each time there is an elec­tion when he is to make an appear­ance.

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