Home / News / Lori talks about schools, lies from the White House, Manchin, China and more

Lori talks about schools, lies from the White House, Manchin, China and more


Schools are start­ing next week around the area. School sys­tems are look­ing for school bus drivers. 

Mega Mil­lions draw­ing tonight. The state of GA has raised bil­lions of dol­lars for edu­ca­tion with the Geor­gia Lottery. 

The White House con­tin­ues to deny any­thing truth­ful. WE all know we are in a reces­sion. WE should be look­ing at Sri Lan­ka to under­stand what is going on and what will go on in the US. The pow­ers that be in Wash­ing­ton are try­ing to push the World Order because the ordi­nary peo­ple couldn’t under­stand. Unem­ploy­ment rate is low because peo­ple aren’t work­ing. The econ­o­my isn’t going to get any bet­ter until the spend­ing stops. The democ­rats are in line to do what­ev­er needs to be done to push the agen­da and there are 15% of repub­li­cans fol­low­ing along. Now the Green New Deal is being pushed and some­how going to end the recession. 

Now Manchin has agreed after being such a force against the Green New Deal. you have to won­der if there was a back­room meet­ing, did they find some­thing on him or was there a sig­nif­i­cant trade? 

The fine points in the bill could delay the pass­ing of the bill as they try to pass before the elec­tion in Novem­ber. If the pulse of Amer­i­ca feels that we are in a reces­sion, then yes, per­cep­tion is reality. 

Biden is on the phone with Chi­na for 2 hours. If Pelosi goes to Tai­wan. Chi­na will con­sid­er it a threat to Chi­na. We have talked about the farm­land that Chi­na has bought across our nation. It is a nation­al secu­ri­ty issue. Chi­na is try­ing to take over every aspect of what the US depends on and severe­ly dis­rupt our sup­ply chain. 

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