Home / News / Lori talks about border crossers, Fentanyl, gun manufacturer testifies in Congress and more

Lori talks about border crossers, Fentanyl, gun manufacturer testifies in Congress and more

The esti­mat­ed num­ber of got­aways is around a mil­lion. Gov­er­nors on the bor­der are bus­ing the ille­gals to DC. May­or Bows­er is now ask­ing for the nation­al guard, the hypocrisy and elit­ism in the left and demo­c­rat par­ty. It’s a prob­lem when ille­gals come to her city. They arent being tricked, they are being treat­ed.

Maybe we should bus them to all the major cities. On a dai­ly basis Bor­der Patrol puts their lives at risk try­ing to save the ille­gals.

Front page arti­cle in the news­pa­per talk­ing about how Fen­tanyl is being pressed to look like oxy­codone. It is show­ing that peo­ple that are bring­ing Fen­tanyl across are delib­er­ate­ly dis­guis­ing the drugs to sell on the street.

The EpiPen’s are $600–700 and only last 6 months, and are need­ed for some­one that has severe aller­gies or asth­ma. Nar­can is free all over the nation, so peo­ple can be saved from over­dos­es. The hypocrisy, show­ing only seem­ing to care for a cer­tain pop­u­la­tion. Same for dia­bet­ics and their need for insulin.

New Job open­ing at White House: speech writer for Jill Biden.

Mar­ty Daniel of Daniel Defense GA gun man­u­fac­tur­er, tes­ti­fied in front of Con­gress on Wednes­day as part of an ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tion by law­mak­ers into what is fuel­ing the coun­trys high rates of gun vio­lence. There are so many aspects of gun vio­lence in the Unit­ed State but it is not mak­ing the gun man­u­fac­ture equal to the mur­der­er. Say­ing the man­u­fac­tur­er is choos­ing the bot­tom line over the lives of fel­low Amer­i­cans.

Keep Ken­tucky and Vegas in your prayers as there is flood­ing in those areas.

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