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ASK THE DOC: Colon Cancer and pholycythemia and more

Ques­tion 1: patient being treat­ed for colon can­cer. Oncol­o­gist asked if he want­ed to change his med­i­cines due to right sided vs left sided colon can­cer. Not all col­orec­tal can­cers have radi­a­tion treat­ment. If you add Vectibix (brand name) into the treat­ment that has the genet­ic muta­tion the sur­vival curve is bet­ter depend­ing on the right or left sided colon can­cer.

In 1976 the US changed where the Olympic ath­lete trained.

Ques­tion 2: patient had semi­no­ma tes­tic­u­lar can­cer 16 years ago and has poly­cythemia. Gene tests are neg­a­tive and ery­thro­poi­etin is not high. The hema­tol­o­gist told him to donate blood once or twice a year.

Us dept of Health has changed how they put the COVID num­bers up dai­ly. The num­ber of cas­es is up 25% of the tests tak­en are pos­i­tive. The num­ber of cas­es are up based on the num­ber of peo­ple tak­ing the test. Most peo­ple arent going in to take tests.

Ancient DNA show­ing her­pes. 80% of adults over 30 years of age have her­pes in their body. They have found that her­pes exists in ancient DNA. The genet­ics over the past 5000 years ago of the her­pes has not changed.

Of all of human his­to­ry, one virus has been erad­i­cat­ed, small­pox.

COVID has robbed peo­ple from taste and smell, after 18 months there are still peo­ple with­out taste or smell (25% of peo­ple that had COVID still dont have taste and smell)

Over­re­act­ing with Mon­key­pox. Only one het­ero­sex­u­al with mon­key­pox with­out any known expo­sure. It is a defined pop­u­la­tion with mon­key­pox.

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