Home / News / ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL: July 29, 2022: Recap of the news of the week

ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL: July 29, 2022: Recap of the news of the week


Bruce, we are in a reces­sion, said over a month ago. They are falling back on the nation­al eco­nom­ic board. All the net­works a year ago, defined reces­sion with 2 neg­a­tive quar­ters not say­ing it is not the def­i­n­i­tion. The data is so skewed now but you can’t get around the real­i­ty of retail stocks. The num­bers are weird and the num­ber of new jobs that they are tak­ing cred­it for is the peo­ple going back to work. A lot of the work at jobs is phan­tom. Zucker­burg and Musk have said the employ­ees need to come back to work. Buy­ing habits have changed. 

Joe Manchin saved this coun­try from the oth­er bill and did what he need­ed to be done but he is Trai­tor Joe. It is dispi­ca­ble what he did and how he did it. Get­ting McConnell to agree to sign the chip bill on the basis that the rec­on­cil­i­a­tion bill was dead then it was less than 24 hours the rec­on­cil­i­a­tion bill was back on the table. August 30th the chip bill was going to be squashed. 

Chi­na owned about 70% of farm­land in Mis­sis­sip­pi, all that goes back to Chi­na. Chi­na con­trols 97% of our phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals. The largest pork pro­cess­ing plant. Chi­na con­trols most of all the min­er­als for chip and solar pan­el pro­duc­tion, it ties into this new chip bill. Tai­wan 92% chip pro­duc­tion and South Korea 8% of chip production. 

Joe Biden has the state of the union address and Intel was in the gallery and that is when he talked about the semi­con­duc­tor bill. Why are we sub­si­diz­ing any kind of indus­try? The chips are crit­i­cal. The chips are need­ed to guide the rock­ets and muni­tions. Chi­na owns grain mills. 

Chi­na does­n’t need tanks and guns to shut us down and crip­ple us. But most of the Amer­i­cans run the plants, and it could be a Red Dawn moment and take over the plant. 

We can’t even man­u­fac­ture boots for our military. 

Why Manchin made the deal was because he got health­care and the pipeline. So he sold out the cit­i­zens of America. 

Did Mitch get rolled? Or did he know what was hap­pen­ing? You think Mitch trust­ed Schumer enough that he didn’t know what was going on. 

Repub­li­cans are sit­ting on their butts for this new elec­tion and need to get up. 

Joe Manchin said that in order for him to be a part of it they need­ed to rename their bill because manchin said build back bet­ter was dead. The biggest spend­ing and sub­si­dies and tax­es are the biggest ever for cli­mate. They are going to make it to where you can afford to get the elec­tric car. 

The 15% cor­po­rate tax on busi­ness­es. They are killing rein­vest­ment. When you hear that cor­po­ra­tions don’t pay any tax, what takes the tax away is the depre­ci­a­tion on invest­ments and job cre­ation. It sti­fles rein­vest­ments. The bill rais­es tax­es. Increas­es the irs. Incen­tive for elec­tric vehi­cles and bat­ter­ies. Envi­ron­men­tal Jus­tice Com­mu­ni­ties have mon­ey allocated. 

New stuff com­ing out on Hunter. There is a big­ger pic­ture on this whole cha­rade. If they pros­e­cute Hunter they can say no one is above the law. The president’s son and an ex-president. 

Lies from the White House, bor­der is secure, won’t get COVID if boost­ed, not in reces­sion,. We need to get back to telling the truth. 

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